Chapter 33

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"Crowley...please hurry..." Aziraphale groaned as he clutched his stomach. The searing, burning pain seemed to be getting worse as the minutes ticked by.

"We're almost there angel!" Crowley replied as he glanced at Aziraphale, his gaze full of worry. He had never seen his angel in so much pain, not since he bore Eden all those years ago, but this was worse. Much worse.

"Wot the bloody hell!?" Crowley exclaimed as he brought the Bentley to a screeching halt.

They were less than a mile away from the Tadfield Airbase, but even from this distance, Crowley could see that the sky was filled with clashing demons and angels.

Crowley nearly broke down right then and there. His daughter was in there, amongst all that chaos and madness, but he pushed his impending panic away replacing it with determination. He wasn't going to let two armies of snobbish pricks stop him from protecting his daughter.

"Hang on angel; we're going to save our daughter..."

With a quick miracle, Crowley was able to make the Bentley invisible as soon as he helped his angel out of the vehicle. He even placed a ward over it so no grubby angel or demon could get near it unless they wanted a limb burnt off.

Aziraphale was still clutching his stomach tightly as Crowley rushed to his side once the ward was placed. "What now Aziraphale?"

Fortunately for the both of them, the battle was being fought in the sky above them so no one seemed to notice the rouge angel and demon on the ground.

"I can sense...she's nearby.... she can't breathe..." Aziraphale, pushing past the pain, took a few steps forward, and Crowley caught him when his legs buckled.

"Let me help you, Angel." Crowley said as he caught his husband before he could fall.

Aziraphale clenched his teeth as he rasped, "Thank you love."

They began to make their way through the Airbase, Aziraphale moving as fast as his pain wracked body could allow.....

"Please...hold on Little One...." Aziraphale murmured under his breath.

"This is your last warning scum, leave us be and I'll consider sparing your life!" Gabriel's threat didn't seem to have an effect on the Duke of Hell.

"Your bluff won't work Archangel, I can tell that you don't have the strength to smite me, which is why I'm going to enjoy this all the more."

Hastur was now less than a foot away, his hands gleaming with hellfire.

Gabriel shielded Eden with his body and whispered, "I'm so sorry Eden..."

"GET AWAY FROM THEM YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" a familiar voice shrieked. Gabriel looked up and to his surprise, there was Crowley, he barreled Hastur over and the two demons rolled several feet away becoming entangled in their own deadly battle. Fangs and claws ripping and tearing...

"Eden?" A broken voice whimpered. Gabriel looked up, his gaze met the blue tear filled eyes of Aziraphale.

"Eden!" Aziraphale cried as he ran to the limp figure in Gabriel's arms, the pain forgotten.

" baby..." Aziraphale sobbed as he gently stroked Eden's face, "Can you hear me?" Aziraphale tried to wipe the drying blood off of his daughter's chin, but it proved futile when Eden hacked up a fresh wave of blood.

"P-Papa?" Eden rasped once the terrible coughing had subsided, her head swimming with pain, she opened her concrete heavy eyelids, revealing that her once brilliant blue eyes we're now a dull blue.

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