Chapter 40

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Gabriel was on his bed, lying next to the tartan bow barrette. Aziraphale had miracled it clean like he said he would.

But that wasn't the only miracle that Aziraphale had been doing, or trying too. Gabriel had peeked into Eden's bedroom and he had seen the angel trying desperately to resurrect Eden, he saw Crowley do the same thing. Both of their attempts were greeted by failure.

It explained why they hadn't let him see her yet....they still thought they could bring her back.

" really are gone..." Gabriel whimpered as he curled up into a ball. He didn't understand why her fathers' miracles weren't working....but at the same time...he knew it was hopeless. He heard the cries of Crowley and Aziraphale as another attempt to bring back their daughter failed yet again.

He had no idea how long he lay there, weeping and wishing he did things differently....until he heard a painfully familiar voice say, "Gabe? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

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