Chapter 18

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"My point is...the point is....I'm a dangel....that's my point!" Eden said, her words became slurred.

She had stuffed her face full of food, courteous of the brunette demon, Asmodeus, who was quite handsome...although Eden wouldn't have minded if she chose a more feminine form again. He somehow kept the food coming...and the wine.

She didn't even like the wine. It tasted awful, but for some reason, she kept drinking it. Ba'al had shifted back into his feminine form, to Eden's delight and she didn't mind how close Ba'al was sitting next to her, holding her hand. Lou watching with approval as he enjoyed his own drinks.

It felt nice to be a part of a group.

"Demon...angel....not supposed to happen....but it did...had a dangel they did.....made up the word meself....sounds sexual...but that's why I"

The demons laughed as she stuffed some more food, this time it was sushi, one of her favorites, in her mouth. "Shoulda saw Gabriel's face when I told him....poor guy looked like he would faint at the word, "sexual". Eden snickered.

"Gabriel?" asked Asmodeus as Ba'al served her more sushi. The three demons perked their ears.

"Yeah.." Eden sighed. "He's wonderful....hard to believe he's the same Archangel that used to be such a prick....he's really such a sweetheart..." Eden hiccupped.

"How interesting." Lou whispered softly.

Eden lay back against the booth, completely full. She had just realized that the club was now almost completely empty, except for her, Lou, Asmodeus and Ba'al.

Lou was sitting across from her while Asmodues and Ba'al were at the bar.

Eden got the feeling that something was wrong...very wrong.

"Well!" She said with a fake yawn, "I best be heading home now! Thank you all so much for the meal and wine!"

She grabbed her coat and scarf and made her way to the door, and tried to pull it open.

It was locked.

" I push?" She pushed against the door, it didn't budge.

"You're not going anywhere Eden Alexandria Queen Fell." snarled a gravelly voice.

Eden whirled around and came face to face with Asmodeus and Ba'al, they we're shifting again, but instead of human corporations, they turned into monstrous beasts. The two demons were now some sort of catlike creatures with curved horns and fangs dripping with saliva.

"H-How do you know my full name?"

"Silence Abomination!" Ba'al snapped, spittle flying from its mouth. "You are hereby sentenced to death by our Lord, The Devourer of Worlds."

Lou rose to his feet and said, "Now there is no need for name calling Ba'al." he scolded gently.

"Who are you really?" Eden demanded. Her mind whirling as she tried to look for a means to escape, but the demons were closing in on here.

"Such a pitiful little thing you are, some Champion you turned out to be!"

"I don't understand..."

"Oh please, how thick can you be? I'm Lucifer and you are about to die! Having you get in my way simply won't do!"

Eden felt her stomach plummet.

He was Lucifer.

"I'm bored. Will you two kill her already?" Lucifer barked to the two demons, who we're more than happy to oblige.

Right when the two demons lunged, something crashed through the windows, sending glass shards flying everywhere. Eden ducked and shielded herself from the shards.

"Lucifer." A voice spat.

Eden looked up and saw Gabriel. His snowy white wings were blocking her from Lucifer's sight.

"Archangel Gabriel." Lucifer said mockingly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"If you have harmed Eden in anyway, I promise you, you will regret it." Gabriel's voice carried a dangerous note. Eden got to her feet and peeked from in-between his feathers.

"Oh yes, we were just talking about you....Heaven must be so happy that their most dedicated follower has fallen in love with an Abomination!" Eden winced at the sarcastic tone in Lucifer's voice.

"Do not speak of her that way ever again." Gabriel spat as Lucifer stepped forward. "You are in no position to make demands Archangel, your precious Eden is a stain to both demonic and angelic kind. It would be best if we both just kill her now..." As he said these terrible things, Eden saw Gabriel clench his fists and gave Lucifer a left hook to the jaw.

As Lucifer fell to the ground, Gabriel grabbed Eden by the hand and they ran out of the club, not daring to look back.

The moment they stepped outside, their nostrils were assaulted by the stench of burning buildings and their ears rang with the screams of humans as they helped the Fire Brigade to put out the flames that just seemed to spread.

Eden gasped in horror at the sight of humans with festering sores all over their bodies as demons we're raiding every building in sight. "Don't look." Gabriel said as he quickened the pace.

There was the sound of more snarling from behind them. Eden looked. It was even more demons in their creature form, each one more hideous and grotesque than the last. Eden could barely hold back a scream of horror as a group of them turned towards her and Gabriel.

Gabriel unfurled his wings, ready for takeoff, when he realized that Eden had let go of his hand.

Eden was completely frozen in terror, their sneers and lies bombarding her mind.


"Dangel is such a dumb name! Which is proof why you shouldn't even exist!"

"You are a disgrace to your kinds!"

"You're such a fat ass!"


"Satan will make you suffer!"

"SHUT UP!" Eden screamed as she fell to her knees. She began to change form.

"Eden, don't change! You'll be too weak! That's what they want!" Gabriel cried but it was too late, Eden had shifted into her true form a winged serpent with snow white scales, with some black ones here and there.

Eden lunged and struck a demon, discorporating it instantly. She killed two with a strike from her tail, but Gabriel could tell that she was tiring.

Eden then let out a ungodly roar, which made Gabriel cover his ears with his hands, trying to muffle the painful sound.

The demons wailed in agony as some fell dead to the ground. The survivors fled in terror, leaving Gabriel and Eden alone.

Eden shifted back into her corporation, her eyes glowing a bright blue as Gabriel ran to her. "Eden? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"M'fine." Eden said as her legs buckled.

Gabriel caught her. "Eden!"

"I'm fine. I just need to rest for a bit..." Eden murmured as Gabriel held her close.

"Maybe they're right.." Eden murmured, which made Gabriel snap.

"Don't you even dare believe any of those lies that scum said about you Eden! Do you hear me?" Gabriel said as he anxiously checked her for injuries. He sighed with relief when he found none and her eyes finally stopped glowing turning back into their normal hue.

Gabriel helped her to her feet after a few moments. "You are the most wonderful being I have ever met. Don't you ever forget it."

"And ineffable?" Eden asked.

"Definitely ineffable." Gabriel agreed.

Bad Omens (The Final Cut/Definitive Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora