Chapter 13

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 "I didn't know he was that Gabriel...." Eden had said crestfallen as she and Aziraphale carried the unconscious Archangel into the shop and straight to the back room. Crowley had busted the Archangel's lip, and as Eden tending to Gabriel's wound, Aziraphale was giving Crowley a much needed talking to.

"You had no right to do that Crowley!" Aziraphale said to his husband, who was pouting on the couch.

"We shouldn't leave her alone with him Aziraphale! Heaven could be sending their army right as we speak! We should be heading to Alpha Centauri...."

Aziraphale cut him off, "Crowley, he made it past the ward you cast on this place, which means that he bears no ill intent towards Eden."

"Yeah but wot about us?" Crowley spat.

"Like I said before, I trust Eden's judgment and you should too."

Gabriel's felt a strange sensation and he didn't like it.

It hurt.

He read about pain in a pamphlet once....he definitely hated it.

"Gabe, are you awake? Can you hear me?" He recognized the voice, it was Eden, and he realized that his eyes were closed. He opened them and blushed when he realized that Eden was gently wiping his cut lip with a damp cloth. All he could do was stare deep into her eyes.

"What happened?" Gabriel asked as Eden helped him to sit up, he looked around him and he recognized his surroundings almost immediately. He was in the Principality Aziraphale's bookshop.

Everything came rushing back to him. A red haired being with orange amber eyes, the same eyes as Eden's, in all but color, had punched him the fuck out.

He also came to the realization that Eden was the daughter of the rogue Principality and the red head could only be the Demon Crowley.

He was so fucked.

"My Daddy punched you and knocked you out....I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine." He heard a familiar voice coming from outside of the room they were in.

Eden let out a sigh of relief then said, "You know, you were a terrible boss..."

"Will you please behave yourself dear boy?" Crowley gave a stiff nod and he and Aziraphale returned to the backroom, finding a very red faced Archangel sitting next to Eden.

Too close as far as Crowley was concerned.

With a snap of his fingers, Aziraphale healed Gabriel's injured lip and Gabriel was relieved that the pain was gone.

"Thank you Aziraphale." Gabriel said, genuinely grateful.

"I'm truly sorry for my husband's behavior. Apoligize Crowley!" Aziraphale demanded the demon.

"Sorry." Crowley grunted.

Aziraphale nodded, satisfied and continued, "Now, I would like to thank you personally for lending our daughter your coat and scarf the other night and Eden and I made you a basket of muffins to show our gratitude."

That was another indication that Archangel Gabriel was no longer the Gabriel he once knew. According to Eden, he was enjoying food and beverages and was even going out of his way to show kindness.

But the clearest indication was that not only did he bear no ill intent, Eden truly wanted him there.

And for Eden's sake, he was going to do whatever he could to give Eden his support and make Gabriel feel welcome, especially after such an appalling start!

Aziraphale properly introduced Crowley, who made it even more awkward by refusing to shake the Archangel's hand and Eden looked upset.

Aziraphale invited Gabriel to dinner for the following evening and he was sent on his way with his basket, leaving the family alone in the shop.

"You didn't have to hit him Daddy." Eden murmured as they approached the chest that Aziraphale had received in the mail.

Aziraphale remembered that delivery man, he seemed quite eager to rid himself of the chest. He opened the chest and inside was a small stack of papers bound together with a dark green ribbon. The angel lifted the papers out of the chest and untied the ribbon with gentle fingers and read the text out loud, "Further Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Concerning the World that is to Come: Ye Saga Continues...."

"Shit." Crowley cursed.

"Ooooh, can I read it first?" Eden asked as she peeked over her Papa's shoulder.

"We shall read it together, Little One." Aziraphale said patiently as he put on his spectacles as Eden replied, "I'm not little!"

Aziraphale sat at his desk, white gloves on his hands as he read aloud several of the prophecies. Eden sat next to Crowley. She was at least making eye contact with him again and when he sat next to her, she didn't move away, which made him sigh in relief.

Eden had felt a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, and she knew why her Daddy was acting like the way he was. He had always been overprotective of her and Papa.

She snuggled close to him and felt him sigh in relief.

"Turn to the marked pages Papa!" Eden said as she saw that some of the pages had markers sticking out of them.

"Oh yes!" Aziraphale turned to one of the marked pages and read, "The Devourer shall walk among men and bathe the world in chaos and begin the End of Days."

Crowley tensed. "No..." Eden had never heard her Daddy sound so scared.

"I'm afraid so, dear boy." Aziraphale continued, "There shall come a Champion, a child borne of light and darkness, who will bring about the Devourer's demise."

"I wonder who that could be?" Eden wondered out loud with a yawn.

"The Principality of the Eastern Gate shalt cast out the armies, his heart full of loss and despair...."

Aziraphale stared at that last prophecy for a moment longer, pondering what that could possibly mean, until he rubbed his temples and placed the parchments on his desk, "Right, it's getting late, let's go home. I shall examine these papers later..."

Eden left to get her coat and scarf.

"Angel, the Big One is coming." Crowley said softly so Eden wouldn't overhear.

"I know dear..." Crowley had warned him of this nearly twenty five years ago, right after they and the Anti-Christ adverted Armageddon. They would be left alone for a bit, before the Big One. Heaven and Hell still want that War, Crowley had told him.

"We should go to Alpha Centauri, we'll be save there!"

"Crowley you know we can't! We must find this Champion and give them the guidance they'll need to stop Satan..."

"You don't think it's..." Crowley couldn't even finish the sentence.

"Of course not! It's most likely Adam, him being the AntiChrist and all!"

Eden came back with their coat and the family left the shop, Crowley was still shaken. He knew how dangerous Lucifer was, and the thought of him walking among men....

"Goodnight Papa, goodnight Daddy. Eden said as she went upstairs to bed, but Crowley stopped her, "Queenie, wait!"

"Yes Daddy?" Eden asked, her blue eyes gazing at his amber ones.

"Listen, I'm sorry I've been such an ass lately. I just want to keep you safe, you know that right?"

"I know that Daddy." Eden said as she pulled him into a hug.

Crowley hugged her tightly, "I love you more than you'll ever know Queenie." he rasped softly, kissing her on the cheek.

"I love you too, Daddy."

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