Chapter 71

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Lilith growled at the two angels in front of her. "What do you two want?" It was Michael and Uriel, they had come to Hell's Head Office.

"We have received some intel on the Abomination." Uriel said bluntly. "We would like to share it with the Dark Lord himself."

Lilith's face paled. "My Lord does not wish to be disturbed." Lucifer had been weakened and was confined to his bedchamber and it would take decades, maybe more, before he was back to full strength.

"Let them speak." A guttural voice growled from the shadows. Lilith bowed her head and she stepped back. Lucifer and his obsidian throne was shrouded in shadow, hiding the damage that had been done to him.

But he leaned into the dim light to reveal his ravaged face. His skin was now a sickly gray and marred with fiery orange veins. The holy fire had taken a toll on him as well.

"Where is she?"

"Where she always has been, you have it in the file we sent you. Our intel has discovered that she is bedridden with fever. We are in the process of dismantling the ward that has been placed around the cottage." Michael replied.

"Good." Satan smiled wickedly as Michael said, "We'll send word as soon as the ward has been lifted."

Abraxas gripped his spear tightly as Lilith dismissed him for the evening. He had been one of the guards that had been in Satan's throne room when the meeting took place. The whole conversation made him sick; he had to do something....

Bad Omens (The Final Cut/Definitive Version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora