Chapter 24

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Eden stood at the border and stared at the water that lapped at the foot of the tree that marked the boundary. The flooding returned with a vengeance, most of London was submerged in water. What wasn't covered in water was still ablaze.

She had seen the news on the telly, but it was quickly turned off by Crowley, who didn't want her to see such awful things. He was currently trying to convince Aziraphale that they should go to Alpha Centauri.

As much as Eden loved to go to Alpha matter where they would go....Satan would come for her. Even if he didn't, it would only be a matter of time before the very universe was destroyed.

Everything would be gone. The ones she loved, The Them, the Pulsivers, Madame Tracey, Sergeant Shadwell, all of the animals of Epping Forest, all of the people that she knew from the park, the people who worked at all of her favorite eateries, her Papa's friend's from his bookclub, her childhood friends....

Not just them, the whole world. Despite all of its faults, there was still so much that humanity could still accomplish...

Eden looked down at her multi colored scarf and knew exactly what the Doctor, all twelve of them, would do.

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