Chapter 5

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Archangel Gabriel had been stationed on Earth, to take over Principality Aziraphale's job. The others at Head Office insisted that he take the job because of his dedication....

Gabriel felt sick to his stomach.

He had been having doubts about ....EVERYTHING...ever since the last day he saw Aziraphale.

"We're the good guys for Heaven's sake!" He had said. Then the Principality had survived contact with Hellfire and even breathed some at had been terrifying. But not only that, nothing had been or was going to be done to seek out the traitor Principality and the treacherous Demon Crowley to punish them for their incompetence and crimes.....

After that day, everything went to hell....literally. Demons we're coming and going from Heaven's Head Office as they pleased and he fucking hated it.

He didn't even like Sandalphon anymore, for millennia he didn't seem to mind the little prude following him like a pesky shadow, but during the last couple of years, it was driving him insane.

The final straw was The Prince of Hell them-self, Beelzebub.

Him and Bee had been very close for centuries and when the demons started becoming more frequent visitors at his Head Office he thought, for a short time, he could see them more often, maybe even work up the courage to tell them how he really felt...

But Bee beat him to it.

They said it was over and they were with Dagon now.

It was better this way they had said.

To say the least, Gabriel didn't really put up a fight when Michael, Uriel and Sandalphon told him about Aziraphale's old job.

He would have swallowed hellfire if it would finally end his miserable existence.

His life on Earth wasn't much better either. He was living a nice sized flat, not to far from Soho but he was still miserable.

At least he could wear different types of clothes again, and run for as long as he wanted too at the park.

It helped him keep his mind off of things.

He even took great pleasure in not doing paperwork, he didn't see the point in doing it by hand so he would snap his fingers and the papers would be filled out in his expert handwriting, saying everything was fine.

They never seemed to check up on him and that was the best part.

Gabriel was running in the park again. He didn't pay attention to the humans around them, he

just focused on the trail in front of him and kept running. His gray sweatshirt and sweatpants shielding him from the cold breeze.

His mind whirled. The second attempt at the Great War was least, that was what Micheal and the others had been saying in the memos they've been sending him.

Gabriel didn't want to admit it, but despite the loneliness, he had grown quite fond of this Earth...even if humans were a bother.

Suddenly, a loud, beautiful sound struck his eardrums. He halted and his purple eyes searched for the source of the sound....

He eyes became fixated on what appeared to be a young woman...with dark, curly flame red hair. Her eyes hidden by a pair of dark, round glasses and a tartan bow barrette in her hair.

She was wearing a shirt with strange symbols on it, black pants with a dark red hoodie and red converse sneakers.

She was laughing as she was petting a human's pet...a dog...Gabriel remembered dully as the animal gave the young woman kisses.

"Oh you're such a sweetie pie!" She laughed some more.

It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.

She was beautiful. The most beautiful being he had ever seen. He found himself walking closer so he could get a better look at her. She had a round face, a snub nose, a face dotted with brown freckles of various sizes scattered across her face, broad shoulders....

He felt a deep ache in his chest as his knees suddenly felt weak when the young woman looked over her shoulder and saw him.

She bid the dog and the humans farewell and rose to her feet and made her way to the Archangel.

Gabriel was frozen to the spot, he tried to will himself to move, but his corporation didn't seem to want to listen to him.

She was coming closer....

Archangel Gabriel felt all the walls that he had built and that stood tall for millennia were starting to fall....  

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