Chapter 8

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       "I saw her angel! I saw THEM! She was with a man! A man! Of all the things to date, it had to be a man!" Crowley snapped. He had managed to sneak back to the shop before Eden finished her break and didn't say a word about what he saw when Eden returned. The day went on as normal until Crowley and Aziraphale were finally alone in their bedroom.

"It's not like there are a lot of options for her to begin with dear boy." Aziraphale was sitting on the bed, watching his husband pace back and forth.

"Were you able to get a good look at him?" Aziraphale asked, genuinely curious. He had mixed feelings about the whole thing, of course, but he was mostly overjoyed that his daughter seemed to have a new friend or possibly someone who was a bit more than a friend.

"No, his back was facing me, and I couldn't give a rat's arse what he looked like! You should have seen the way she was staring up at him, all goo goo eyed....I thought I was going to be sick."

"Well, that explains her wanting heart shaped blueberry pancakes for breakfast." Aziraphale murmured. She usually would ask for pancakes shaped like animals or even stars. He even saw a heart drawn in the condensation on the bathroom mirror after she took an unusually long shower. He even just realized that his cologne was gone. He had a spare bottle of course, but he didn't need to think too hard to figure out where the other bottle was.

"Why on Earth wouldn't she tell this?" Crowley muttered.

"Oh really Crowley!" Aziraphale scoffed. "You we're not at all supportive when she brought up the subject of dating in the first place!"

"Because she is still too bloody young Angel! She's only twenty four!"

"The humans consider her an adult dear boy!"

"Well, I don't! Surely waiting until she's nine hundred is the right amount of time." Crowley retorted.

"Surely we can figure out a much better solution than making the poor thing wait nine centuries! I agree with Eden that is way too long!"

Crowley sat down on the bed next to the angel, defeated, "I just can't believe how fast she's grown up..."

Aziraphale wrapped and arm around Crowley's shoulder. "She still needs the both of us Crowley, now so more than ever. Now, why don't we go talk to her and reach a compromise, we have raised a wonderful young woman and I trust her judgment and I would very much like to meet this young man."

"I would very much like to rip his balls off." Crowley snarled.

"Crowley! There will be none of that! Now, will you be nice and keep a level head while we talk to our daughter?"

"Fine." Crowley muttered darkly as Aziraphale took him by the hand and led him to Eden's room

The door had been left wide open, the blue paint and its TARDIS design was still a  dark blue. Crowley couldn't help but smile at the memory of when he and Aziraphale had painted the door and showed the finished door to their little seven year old.

"Eden dear, we would like to talk to you for a bit!" Aziraphale said as he and Crowley stuck their heads in the room.

The room was empty.

Eden was gone.  

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