Chapter 76

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The familiar throbbing pain in her stomach brought Eden back into consciousness as she awoke with a groan.

"Good morning love." It was her Dad.

"Morning Daddy." Eden replied. Crowley's hair was still unkempt, the demon still in his red silk pajamas. He must have just woken up, "How are you feeling Eden?" He instinctively reached out and placed a warm hand on her forehead.

"I don't have a fever Dad...." she murmured. Crowley removed his hand as he let out a sigh of relief. "I know, I know, just want to make sure."

Eden's gaze drifted around her room and she realized that someone was missing. "Where's Papa?"

"He's making you breakfast, he should be almost done by now."

Eden sighed, "Guess it's too soon to sneak some strawberry toast?"

Surprisingly, her Dad smiled, "We'll see."

Before she could ask another question, the door swung open and in popped Aziraphale carrying a tray that had her breakfast on it.

The smells hit Eden's nostrils and she immediately began to salivate. "Is that-?"

"Strawberry toast with scrambled eggs and some buttered rice! With a glass of water and a glass of apple juice." Eden tried to push herself up with a grunt of pain but Crowley stopped her so he could help her the rest of the way. When she was sitting up as comfortably as possible, Aziraphale placed the tray on her lap.

"Gabriel is brewing your herbal tea as we speak and he'll bring it up as soon as it's ready, but for now, I want you to enjoy your special breakfast." He kissed her uninjured cheek. "Happy Birthday Eden."

At first all that Eden could do was gape at the delicious food before she finally turned to her Papa, "This isn't a dream is it?"

Aziraphale chuckled, "Of course not love, Crowley told me about your special treat yesterday, and we both spoke to Bella over the phone and she gave her approval that we can start to include some more light foods into your diet now, as long as we keep up with the herbal broths and teas of course."

He ran a hand through her flame colored curls, reminding himself that they were no longer damp with blood, being careful not to touch the section that was still swathed in bandages, "Now, enough chitchat! Dig in!" He handed her a spoon and Eden scooped up a spoonful of eggs, then a spoonful of buttered rice.

"Don't eat so fast Eden!" Crowley chuckled when Eden didn't seem to want to pause for a breather. Eden obeyed and took a long drink of water, then some juice.

The fathers' watched their daughter enjoy her meal, they were holding one another's hands tightly.

Gabriel popped in to deliver her cup of tea and bid them all a good morning and to wish Eden a happy birthday before he left to prepare his own breakfast.

Eden cleaned her plate and scrapped the bowl clean and even inhaled the last of her water and apple juice.

"That was so scrummy! Thank you so much!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, you're very welcome Little One." said Aziraphale as Crowley cleared away the tray and took it downstairs.

"I'm sorry that I've been so thick lately, I should have known you'd be getting sick of eating the same kind of food over and over again."

"That's okay Papa." Eden said as she drank her tea.

"We have another surprise for you, love." said Crowley when he returned, "All of our friends will be coming over later today to visit you and drop off their gifts."


Aziraphale gently wiped Eden's face with a napkin, "Yes, really, but they won't stay long. Bella advised us to not overdo it."

"But—" Crowley added, "We are planning to throw you a proper party once you've fully recovered, with cake and more presents." He beamed at Eden's tired smile. "Now you get some rest sweetpea."

Eden was overjoyed to see everyone, Bella, Dog, Adam and the Them, Aunt Anathema and Uncle Newt, her godparents MadameTracey and Sergeant Shadwell, who was particularly emotional. He and Eden had a special bond and the old man had been utterly devastated when it was presumed that Eden was gone forever.

They each visited with Eden and her family for a bit, their gifts set off to the side to be opened after she rested. But the best part was that Eden insisted that Gabriel take part in the quiet festivities. To Eden's delight, he had made amends with Adam and he seemed to have formed an instant friendship with Shadwell, who got him to blush when he asked the Archangel if he had a wedding date in mind. 

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