Chapter 7

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         Eden made sure all of her tasks had been completed in a timely manner at the shop. She dusted the sections her Papa had asked her to dust, would help him on his old computer, even though the old machine drove her nuts and most importantly, she would fetch wine for her parents whenever she was asked too.

She wasn't allowed to drink, yet another frustration, but at least she was able to enjoy her fathers' drunken rants and tangents. Since her birthday was less than a month away, she would be twenty five, maybe then she would be allowed to try wine.

But she didn't want to wait any longer to see Gabriel. She had been thinking about him nonstop ever since the day before. She made sure her unruly curls were somewhat presentable and she made sure her tartan bow barrette was perfectly placed in her hair. She was wearing her normal attire, a unicorn t shirt, and today she chose to wear a pair of dark blue jeans and her red converse sneakers, secretly lamenting her tomboyish ways.

She found her Papa sitting at his desk, sipping a cup of wine, with her Daddy sitting next to him in his own chair with his own cup of wine.

"Papa, I've finished all of my tasks, may I go have lunch?" She asked, hoping the wine had softened them both up a bit.

"It's a little early to have lunch dear..." Aziraphale stated as Crowley arched an eyebrow in suspicion. Eden had been acting a bit strange since yesterday. Well, ever since she brought up dating, which was only a few days ago.

"I know, that's why I would like to go to the park for a bit first." She held her breath.

"Oh of course Little One, just try to be back on time so your father doesn't try to phone 999 again."

"Oi!" Crowley retorted.

Eden giggled and with a wave, she left the shop. She waited for the shop to be completely out of sight then she finally broke into a run, straight to St James Park.

Crowley watched Eden as she walked down the street, clutching her dark glasses....she left them behind.

Eden felt her heart soar when she saw Gabriel.

He made it!

She ran to Gabriel and immediately took him by the hand, his face turning as red as a strawberry, "May I tempt you to some sushi?" she said with a wicked grin. He was so cute when he was flustered.

"Go on then, at least try one!" Eden said gently as Gabriel stared at the sushi.

"So, it's supposed to be eaten raw?" he poked it with a chopstick.

"Sometimes, it's really good when it's cooked, but it's best when it's raw! Come on, eat it or face my wrath!" she said playfully as she ate her first sushi roll.

Within minutes, Gabriel had once again cleaned his plate and drank several cups of the tea Eden had picked for him.

After they ate, Eden led him back to the park, where they walked and enjoyed vanilla milkshakes.

Gabriel laughed something he never really done before as Eden shared stories about her work at this bookshop. It seemed like her and her "Daddy" would get into a lot of trouble at the shop.

Eden glanced at her watch and sighed sadly, "I'm afraid I gotta go now..."

Gabriel didn't want her to go. "Same time tomorrow?"

"How about tonight?" Eden suggested.

"Tonight? What about your fathers'."

"It will only be for a short while, and you'll keep me safe." She said as Gabriel blushed again.

"Tonight then." Gabriel said as they said their final goodbyes.

The two of them were completely unaware of the pair of amber eyes watching them from afar....

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