FIFTEEN [ Expression]

Start from the beginning

"Your Hubby just came here earlier, she was drenched in heavy rain out there alone"

I widened my eyes in surprised then turned to her uniform which in my hand.

"Where she is now, Mr.Park?", I asked anxiously.

"She just left. I don't know how long she stood outside like that. I need to asked the reception why they didn't allowed her to come inside", he firmly say and walked towards the reception.

I tried to call Lisa, but she was out of service.

After a few minutes.

I heard outbursts of anger from Mr.Park to the employees in the reception which make me flinched too.

"She is Jennie ManobanKim's wife! What are you doing huh!", he spoke out so loudly. I walked towards them.

"I'm sorry, Sir...", replied the brunette girl while bowed her head.

"Mr. Park..."

"I'm sorry Jennie for my worker's fault", he sighed deeply.

"It's okay, Mr.Park. Wendy, what's time did my Hubby come here?", I looked at her.

"It's about 3 hour ago before she left. I'm really sorry Mrs Jennie"

She looks very guilty. I caress her shoulder say to don't worry and walked out after the rain began to stop.


I called her name after arriving home and seeing her carriage outside indicates she was here.

The state of the house became quiet, the kids were in my parents home as they missed their beloved grandchildren to be there.

The wet trail feet towards the living room. I saw Lisa was lying on the couch with clothes that were still wet. My eyes became soothe, weak and stoic look at her condition.

Why do you always bother yourself for me?

I caressed her increasingly pale and cold face.

"Wake up, Lalisa..."

I spoke with low tone. She didn't ever bothered after many times I called her name.

I put down my things on the desk, open the house heaters with high power to warmer the atmosphere and walked back to her. I took off her boots and wet socks, untied the circumference of her belt, then took off her shirt.

I looked around her body which had several deep scars.

I wiped away my tears. This Thai woman has faced many difficulties thing in her life either at work or with me.

She did everything just to get back my heart even if it is detrimental to her own health.

After I finished wiping her body with warm water, I took out some new clothes for her. It's sweatpants and thick clothes.

I changed all her clothes and covered her body before getting up.

She hold my wrist weakly, slowly open her attractive eyes. I turned away my head from her.

"D-did you get my flowers?"

The first thing she spoke out before sat on the couch.

"Are you more care about the flowers than yourself now?", I added simply. My wrist still locked in her gripped that not hard at all.

"I do", she simply replied staring at me.

"Stop hurting yourself for me"

"That's became more hurts... when you push me away. This heart keep bleeding"

She pointed her chest with weak tone.

"I don't ever care about myself untill I get you back...", she added.

I turned my head to her, she shoot her teary eyes into mine. Her hand start trembling due to exposure to cold winds.

"Do you know, how my life started being messed up after you walked away from me? Everything I did went wrong, no direction, I lost my half soul after you tried to leave me. Yeah I'm tired, but I have to keep trying. I just want you for myself..."

"Do you know how broke I am?", I added.

"I know"

Then silence enveloped us, only to hear the rain begin to fall again with a beautiful melody. She got up abruptly, pulled my waist tightly against her body which I could feels the warm temperature of hers. She looked down to me, her eyes became soothing.

She held out her weak hand to my cheeks, caress it with her thumb so gently and soft more like in slow motion touch.

Then down to my luscious plump lips, she caress it softly then lean closer to mine and unite our lips with a long -kept kiss of longing.


Yes we did. I was powerless to resist. I also miss these perfect plump lips on mine, respond to her kissing in gentle movements.

Her fingers run behind my body, reaching the clasp of my bra, It falls off easily since it just strapless.

Her kiss down to my shoulder then neck.

She took off my clothes one by one before lay me on the couch.

Lisa straddle between my top and about to remove her shirt off. Her cellphone suddenly ringing.

She staring at me, stretching on her lower lip as she looked on my bare chest. I quickly take my clothes to cover on while look away.

She sighed softly and answered the call, take off from me.

I sat on the couch then quickly button my white polo shirt.

We almost did it.

She turned her head to me.

"Jane falls on the ground, wanna follow me?"

She spoke with worried tone then grabbed her car key. I just nodded then followed her from behind untill inside the car.


"Are you okay?", I asked when she keeps coughing and cold while driving.

"Hmm. How about you?", she asked back.

"I'm just fine..."

"At least don't forget your bra before going out", she spoke out, hiding her naughty smile.

I looked down to my chest, and yeah I forget it after hearing my girl was falling. I was just panicked earlier! Aish.

"Dont look then..", I replied awkwardly, look away.

"Why? I have all right on you and your body, right?", she released a soft teasing chuckled.

I was burn into blushing and embarrassing.

"Wore this, don't get cold", she hand me her jacket from backseat.

I just humming. After a few minutes we arrived at my parents house.

"I want Babaaaaaaa!", the loud voice of Jane get hearing from outside.

Lisa quickly closed the car and ran a bit to the door, searching her little princess inside.

"I'm here dont crying, sweetheart", she wiped away Jane's tears with her thumb softly then pecked Jane's tiny lips to calm her down from crying. The girl also sat on the driver seat with Lisa while she driving back to home. They just looks adorable together.

She swelled up while playing and got a small bump on her forehead.


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