Lesbiland grew a lot in these years, the city received more and more witches, but it was also mandatory that they were lesbians, the residents who had had a relationship with a man in their lives or had shown interest in a man at some point in their lives were put down, only made the lowest paid services and also suffered a huge prejudice in relation to the others, so much so that there was a nomenclature. All citizens who were lesbians and only showed interest in girls and nothing else were called golden stars, exclusively girls who were born as girls. Imposing a very extremist and transphobic ideal on the place, but still that city was growing a lot. Mildred didn't even suspect that it was a Julia and Natalie's plan, Heather's administration was also very good, she made the town prosper a lot. Even more so when she took ideas from Terre Sapphique and put them into practice in her town. By then there were about 1311 inhabitants in Lesbiland while Terre Sapphique had about 1566 inhabitants, 236 of whom were born in the town and conceived with the fertility stone.

Diana, Saria and Esther also took care of designing the firearms. The Cavendish Gun #23 was a revolver that shot fast and with almost no recoil, the firepower was very high, opening a huge hole in the bullet's exit through the body. The Williams Gun #17 was a shotgun with a very powerful shot, much more powerful even than the green-haired girl's gun, opening a huge hole in the entrance and exit. The Meridies Gun #8 was an automatic machine gun, more refined than the previous design, and could even be attached to broomsticks, as well as being placed in strategic locations in the village in case of an attack.

In the meantime Julia and Natalie moved into the McLaren family home with the intention of providing a better environment for little Caroline before she was born, Mildred quickly learned of the couple's move and understood. They began to live better and more comfortably in Dublin in the house that was rightfully theirs.

October 20, 1758, Mildred arrives at the McLaren family residence, she is soon greeted by Caroline who was all bouncy and happy, the birth of the girl softened Julia a bit, who was trying her best to hide the cruelty Berger had, as she planned to move to Lesbiland and leave the girl free from the blonde's clutches.

- Aunt Mildred!

Says Caroline.

- Hello little girl, I have come to see your mothers.

Says Mildred.

- They are training.

Says Caroline.

Caroline leads Mildred to where Julia and Natalie were standing, the two were walking away after a blow they hit themselves, both were panting and staring at each other. The little girl was surprised by her mothers and their extreme strength.

- Mothers are very strong.

Says Caroline.

Natalie and Julia go to Mildred and Caroline, passing cloths over their heads and drinking water from a canteen until they reach the supreme leader, already the little girl hugged the older McLaren, the two were very affectionate with each other, which amazingly enough, the redhead was not so hard on her daughter.

- Well, the day is here, we cannot go on any longer, Terre Sapphique is getting huge, even more about Lesbiland, we have two problems, not only this town, there are others.

Mildred says

- Julia, you can stay with Beth for a while, your mother and I have to settle an adult conversation here.

Says Julia caressing Caroline.

Caroline then goes to where Beth the housekeeper was, while Mildred, Julia and Natalie go to the office, where they talk about the meeting that was going to be about the invasion of Terre Sapphique.

The Fertility Stone and the three Diana CavendishWhere stories live. Discover now