26; Maniac Meetings

Start from the beginning

"Do you mind?" I asked Justin referring to how I had just put my fork in my mouth but then was going to put it into the food.

"I've had a lot more that your saliva in my mouth so go ahead," He said casually and my mouth lay slightly ajar which made him smirk slyly as I went to go say something but didn't actually know what to say.

Well damn.

"I'm going to ignore what you just said," I mumbled to myself making him chuckle before I pierced a piece of chicken with my fork and held it up to my mouth before blowing on it lightly and placing it into my mouth.

I chewed watching Justin lean over the opposite side of the counter and do the same thing as I did.

"It's not that spicy," I said to him whilst I covered my mouth with my hand as there was a clear kick in the sauce with the amount of chilli's they had put in it but I liked my food spicy, it was better than it being bland and practically tasteless.

I swallowed what I had eaten before pushing myself up on the bar stool and grabbing a random box and opening it without looking at the menu because I didn't actually realise how hungry I was until I put that piece of chicken in my mouth.

"Fuck," Justin cursed as I poked a prawn that was in the container I had just opened with my fork and placed it up to my mouth before looking over at Justin. His cheeks were a little pink as he cleared his throat making me stifle a giggle as he fanned his mouth.

"It's not that spicy, take it like a man," I told him as he walked over to the cupboards for a glass shoving a middle finger up at me whilst he was at it.

Hmm, if only that middle finger was somewhere else other than in the air...

Okay I think that craving for Justin has come back...fuck.

"Water is going to make it worse," I said to him as I placed another prawn in my mouth watching as he chugged down a full glass of chilled water and shrugged off his coat at the same time.

He put it on the counter making me laugh lightly before he pulled up the sleeves of his grey jumper and my laugh soon faltered as my eyes trailed across the tattoos at his left wrist.

Well damn...I think ignoring my sexual attraction to Justin over these past drama filled days only caused a build-up of raging hormones that I was unaware of because right now they were making one hell of an appearance.

"Okay, it's burning...my tongue is burning," Justin said knocking me out of my daze as I came back to reality and began chewing on my chilli and garlic prawns again. "How the hell did you eat that?" He said a little annoyed and I just gave him a smile making him squint his eyes.

"I have a magic mouth," I said to him only to pause when I realised what I said knowing that he'd turn it into something sexual.

And...of course I was right because seconds later he said that he knew that I had a magic mouth which only got him a prawn to the face.

"Fuck...shit, Hazel you got it in my eye," He hissed and a quiet curse left my mouth as I saw him fan his face, whining quietly which made me feel a little bad...shit shit shit.

I hopped off the barstool and walked around the counter to him before turning him around a little and peeking up at his eye that he was covering.

"Let me see," I told him and he mumbled a no and before I knew it, it became a match of throwing yes and no at each other.

"No Hazel,"




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