- Did it hurt? I'm sorry, but it's with that strand of hair and the help of magic that we'll talk, I have a familiar crow in which you will always send letters to each other.

Says Isabel showing the familiar crow to Jack.

- Witches are really impressive, well I'll be going, I can't be late, I have a business meeting now.

Says Jack going away.

- Hey, aren't you forgetting something?

Says Isabel raising her left eyebrow and arms crossed.

- Yes yes, I was forgetting, what is your beautiful girl name?

Says Jack passing the hand on his head.

- (It wasn't that! But it's all good.)

- Pleasure Isabel McLaren.

Says Isabel taking the bar of the dress.

- My name is Jack Cavendish and you have a beautiful name Lady Isabel.

Says Jack turning until Isabel calls him again.

- Hey! Jack Cavendish is really sure you aren't forgetting anything?

Says Isabel this time pointing the finger to her mouth.

Jack goes to Isabel and gives a French kiss to the redhead, even so McLaren is dissatisfied, but she doesn't show being happy just for the stamp, because of the big difference in height Jack had to bend his body to kiss little Isabel and McLaren had to stay on tiptoe, Then they both go their separate ways, the Scottish for the important meeting while the redhead returns to her home, already facing her parents Belle (Isabel's mother) and Mark (Isabel's father) both with their arms crossed waiting for the girl to come home.

- Finally you decided you have a home.

Says Belle.

- Sorry it took so long is that I...

Says Isabel before Belle interrupts her.

- (Do I speak about the boy I met today? I have a feeling that that conversation I heard yesterday was not my nightmare.)

- It doesn't matter. I need to tell you that your father and I decided... Since you're our eldest daughter, you're old enough to get married and give us a family and your father had a brilliant idea yesterday.

Says Belle.

- Hey, Ronald! Isabel is here!

Says Mark calling for Ronald.

- (Can you be kidding me, Mom? Ronald is my cousin! He's 12 years older! He's disgusting! I've always seen him coming home drunk since he was a kid! He's already tried to hang on to Megan and you know it, Mom! I don't believe it!)

When Ronald arrived, Isabel's eye was repulsed and ran out to lock herself in her room, both of Isabel's parents looked at it a little furious, while Ronald didn't give a damn, he was stinking of booze.

- I'm sorry nephew, Isabel is a little uncontrollable.

Says Mark.

- If you want I'll go educate a little.

Says Belle going to get a wooden spoon before Mark holds his hand.

- It won't be necessary, Isabel is 19 years old, an adult like her should already just accept what awaits her.

Says Mark.

Meanwhile, Isabel was only crying and crying after discovering that she would have a sad fate beside her cousin whom she did not love, all McLaren wanted was to see the beautiful blonde that she had met at the port of the city, so time passed, Isabel's parents gave the condition to the girl who would have until she was 21 to marry Ronald or be expelled from the house, Isabel then sneaked out, but one of her three sisters began to distrust the girl so much that she left home.

The Fertility Stone and the three Diana CavendishWhere stories live. Discover now