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After lunch we all went down to DADA. Lupin was standing at the front of the front of the room with a large cabinet next to him.

Everyone was standing around him with confused looks on their faces, "What do you think we're doing?" Pansy muttered to me, I just shrugged and continued to look at the cabinet.

Draco and Blaise we're behind us having their own conversation. They were probably just staring at our asses, to be honest.

"Intriguing isn't it," Lupin spoke up while the cabinet started to shake.

"Would anyone like to guess as to what is inside?" He said while walking around us.

"It's a boggart," Dean Thomas, my fellow Gryffindor says.

"Very good Mr.Thomas. Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows," Hermione Granger spoke up, of course she has to be a smartass and show off all her knowledge.

I never minded before but now that I see how much of a bitch she is, I can see what everyone is talking about when she always needs to be right.

"Boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever the particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-"

"So terrifying yes." He interrupted her and walked back next to the cabinet.

"Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. After me Riddikulus"

The class copied,  "Riddikulus!" We cheered.

"This class is ridiculous," Draco muttered to Blaise and he snorted in agreement.

"They're idiots," Pansy said loud enough for them to hear. I giggled and tried to focus on the teacher.

"Now I want you all to form a line and we will see how you react to seeing your biggest fear."

"Oh no," I whispered to myself. I don't want to know what my biggest fear is, and I most certainly don't want everyone to see it.

Everyone got in line and I tried to go to the back but Pansy dragged me towards the front.

"Come on, I don't want to be alone in the front." She whined.

My heart was pounding and I started to sweat a little, I looked around the room for Draco, I needed him. But I couldn't find him, I can't do this.

I got out of line and tried to go to the back unnoticed.

That didn't work out that well.

"Miss Jameson, please step in front of the cabinet. Since you think you can leave my class you will go first."

Everyone's head turned to me, "No, I- I"

"I don't want to hear your excuses, now come up here please."

I let out a shaky breath, this is what I didn't want to happen.

I hesitantly stepped up and gripped my wand extremely tight in my right hand.

"You know the incantation right?" I nodded and stared at the shaking cabinet.

He slowly opened it and I waited to see what the black blob would be.

Then it turned into something that I haven't even thought would come out, it was Draco.

He was with Hermione and they were kissing. They stopped and smirked at me, "You thought I actually liked you?" He scoffed while grabbing Hermione's waist, "You're nothing compared to her, she's everything you're not and what you wish to be. She's skinnier, prettier, smarter. She doesn't try to kill herself whenever things get hard. She isn't weak like you. She isn't the reason why Alissa is dead, you are!"

He spat maliciously at me. The tears were welling in my eyes and I started shaking.

"You're nothing. Don't you ever forget that! She will always be better than you!"

He rolled his eyes and continued to passionately kiss her.

I stood there, frozen, heartbroken, embarrassed. How could I be this stupid and let everyone see how weak I was?

"R- rid" I tried to say but it turned out to be a pathetic whimper.

My legs were about to give out until I felt someone grab me and lead me out of the class.

I didn't fight. I let them take me, even though I didn't know who it was.

Once we were in the hall I let the silent tears out, the person wrapped their strong arms around me and I smelled Draco's cologne.

Of course he was the one to take me. I can't bear to look at him now.

"That's really how you feel?" His grey eyes burning through me. He looked sad, I nodded, not being able to say anything.

I never thought he would find out. I thought I could keep it to myself.

"You shouldn't ever feel that way. You are so much better than that mudblood.

Look at how selfish she is, she is a horrible person. You are perfect, you're way better than her.

You're the most beautiful woman in the world and I'm proud to call you mine because I love you.

I love your body the way it is, I love how your nose crinkles when you don't get something. I love how you blush when I say inappropriate things to you. I love everything about you."

He said with his forehead resting against mine.

"I've always loved you, even when I bullied you. I only said that because bullying you was the only way you would notice me.  But now I finally have my chance, and I'll be damned if I mess it up."

The tears were still falling, but not for the same reason anymore.

He loves me.

He took the pad of his thumb and wiped away the tears, "I love you too." I whispered, he pulled my face to meet his.

This kiss was different than any other kiss we have ever had, not that we had many.

It had raw emotion, it had love.

By me kissing him like this I was declaring that I was his.

He owned everything about me, my mind, my body, and my soul. Maybe it was the hormones or the fact that he was mine, but I made the decision to finally give myself to him.

It might be too soon but I am completely consumed by him.

I'm ready.

"Draco," I called out in between kisses.

"Yes my love?" He rasped in a deep voice, moving down to my neck.

"I want you," I said in a breathy whisper.

He stopped and looked at me, his eyes full of worry. "Are you sure? We can wait until you're ready. You don't have to do it now, I don't wanna rush you."

I nodded at him, he looked like he was fighting an internal battle.

He grabbed my hand and silently led me to our room.

My heart was beating so fast and I was a little nervous. I was mostly excited.

Is it gonna hurt?

Will he like it?

Is he gonna leave me after that?

No, he won't. He loves me.

I decided to forget all my worries and try to enjoy tonight. Whatever happens tomorrow I will deal with it then.

Once we got in the room he closed the door and turned to me with a serious expression, but the softness in his eyes was very present.

"Are you sure that you want this darling?"

I nodded,

"Words." He demanded, "I need you to use your words, this is really serious."

I sighed, "Yes I'm sure, I haven't been more sure of anything in my life."

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