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"Sissy!" Eysis jumps up from her seat, running over to me. "Woah! Slow down, bud." Draco picks her up in mid air before she can jump onto me. "She's still got the baby in there." She blushes when she realized what she almost did. She mumbles a sorry as Draco puts her down, then wraps her dainty arms around my body. 

"I missed you guys." She pats my belly before moving onto Draco, giving him a hug too. "We missed you, baby, so much. Now come, let's drop your stuff off" She silently nods, slinging her bag over her shoulder, and then wobbling a little at the extra weight. 

"I got it, we wouldn't want your tiny body falling over." Draco teases while grabbing her bag. She huffs, "Well you need the exercise anyways, it looks like you're the one carrying the baby, not Chantel." She retorts with a smirk, I giggle watching Draco roll his eyes. 

He knows it's not true, you can just tell by the cocky look on his face.

 "Wow, Eysis, you've got a mouth on you since we left you, haven't you?" She grins, "I learned from the best."

Once we get inside the room Draco goes to put her bags away, while I make my way into the kitchen, Eysis following me like a little duckling.

 I'm hungry.

 "What have you been getting up to since the last time we saw you?" I grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge, while Draco comes back into the room. "Yeah and don't mention anything about boys." He warns, "You better not like anyone yet." She blushes and sits herself on one of the bar stools. 

"We haven't done much, really. Mother has taken a liking to yoga lately, says she wants to be flexible. She forces me to do it with her." She rolls her eyes, "Worst hour of my day."

 She takes a bite out of my pizza, acting like it was hers. "Well it can't be that bad." "Oh trust me it's bad. She gets into those outfits that we used to see in those magazines from the 80s, you know the ones with the bright headbands?" 

I cringe, that's a sight I do not want to imagine. Yuck. "Okay, next topic please." Draco grimaces, "Old ladies in leotards are not something that I want to think about. Sorry, love."

 "Well she's been seeing this new guy lately, not sure who he is, though. I don't know him." Draco and I look at each other, "What do you mean she's been seeing someone? Like romantically?" She nods, "Yep, you should hear them at night, they're at it like rabbi-" 

"WOAH!" Draco cuts in, "What the hell do you know about that? You know what? I don't even want to know. Stop talking." She giggles, "Try living with it. She thinks that I don't know, like she's good at being sneaky but she isn't."

 "Well good for her."

The next day:

6 more days.

 6 days until I marry the love of my life.

 It honestly still feels surreal, like it will slip away any second. 

I'm doing a final dress fitting today with the girls. Surprisingly the haven't said anything about me ghosting them. I don't know what makes me feel worse, the fact that I know I deserve to be yelled at, or the fact that they're completely ignoring it. They're all giddy and bubbly. I brought Eysis along, I needed to get her dress. Draco and I agreed to have her be the flower girl. And Draco's little cousin is going to be the ring bearer. 

Draco and I decided on a forest green themed wedding. And no, it wasn't because he wanted to show Slytherin pride. It was a actually my idea. Something about that color is so elegant and I've always known that I wanted that color for my future wedding.

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