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Being with Draco on our honeymoon was heaven.

We didn't have to worry about anything or anyone. We were in our own little bubble.

I never wanted to leave that bubble.

We spent our days wrapped in each other's embrace, sometimes not getting out of the bed unless necessary.

And by necessary I mean my bladder. Matthew's favorite place at the moment.

Sometimes I can't wait until he gets out of me, but I also love being pregnant. I get to share a special bond with him that no one else gets to have. Because once he's born he isn't just mine anymore.

For Draco's birthday we did mostly that, he claimed that he just wanted to be in bed with me all day. And while that was nice I wasn't going to just stay in bed all day, so we went swimming.

Which was amazing, except for the part where Draco refused to wear sunscreen and ended up getting severely burnt.

That's what he gets for not listening to me.

Once we got back to the hotel I lathered him in aloe vera gel, something I learned about at a very young age, since I was always outside exploring.

That resulted in him whining like a baby, claiming that he didn't need the gel when we both know he did. I think he learned his lesson.

Then once he felt better we went out to dinner at a nice restaurant near the water. It was very romantic and the food was amazing. At least Matthew thought so.

Today was our last day here and I was very sad about that. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to go back to school and face reality.

We were young, we are married and have a baby on the way. We're still teenagers. But we were forced into this because of the bad things that happened.

We've lost so many people, I lost my best friend, my other half.

We were in bliss, and for these few days I could forget about all the terrible things that have happened. But once we get back to school there is no more forgetting.

This is our reality now, a world where we were forced to get married and grow up too fast, one where we didn't have a choice at who we get to spend the rest of our lives with.

It worked out for me, but what if someone else isn't as lucky as me?

And what about Matthew? Is he going to have to live in the same fucked up world as we do now? Will he get the chance to decide who he wants to marry, and if or when he wants to have children?

"Baby" Draco sighs, running a hand through his hair gently pulling at the roots. "You don't have to worry, okay? Everything is going to work out. I don't want you to stress yourself out more than necessary, it's not good for you or the baby."

"Easier for you to say." I mumble into his chest, savoring the embrace. "I just don't want our lives to always be like this, where we are worrying whether or not Matthew is going to have a good happy future. He deserves so much more than the shitty hand we were dealt."

"I know. And we are going to do everything we can to prevent any of this from happening. But we can't dwell on any of this right now, it will only hurt you. So we will deal with it when the time comes, I promise. It will all work out."

He pulls me closer to his chest, switching positions so that we could lay down more comfortably.

"I don't want to go back."

I could feel the light smile that pulled at his lips on my forehead. "We'll Mrs. Malfoy you're going to have to. I can't let my wife be a dropout can I? What kind of husband would I be to let you do that?"

I smile back, "The one who cares deeply about his wife and will give her anything she wants?"

"Nice try, love, we're going. There's only 2 weeks left and then we're done. No more tests and homework. Just you and me in our home, having babies."

"We'll we could get a head start? 2 weeks before everyone else?" I look up at him, a sweet innocent smile in my face. That usually works.

But apparently not this time.

He just looked at me blankly, clearly not interested in my lovely idea.


I decided to drop the subject since I clearly won't win. 

"What do you think life will be like for us after school, Draco?" I didn't want to admit it to him, but I was scared. Terrified. Everything already felt so much more different than it was 7 years ago, and it was I guess. 

I just miss it when we were 11 and had no idea of what was to come, of all the people we would lose. How I would lose Alissa. Never had I imagined that she would be gone, she wouldn't see me at my wedding, standing next to me at the altar. Seeing my baby grow up. Having her own children growing up alongside mine. 

Nothing feels the same anymore. The constant worry and fear we have, thinking about what other crazy laws they are going to impose on us. We're just kids, and we have to pay for all the things that we had nothing to do with. I never want Matthew to have anything to do with it, or any other child for that matter. 

"Perfect" He whispers into my hair. "We will be together, at home with Matthew. No one can hurt us there, or tell us what to do. It will just be us, I'll make sure of it. I can picture us in the backyard, watching him discover what it is like to play in the grass. Watch him grow up with his siblings. Them running around together, being innocent and free. And if there is something that is preventing that from happening I will do whatever I can to make sure that the problem is solved. 

"I see us growing old together, sitting on the porch and watching our grandchildren growing up. Thinking about all the good memories we have, knowing that from this point on our lives were fucking great. So don't worry your pretty little head about it okay, love. Everything is going to be perfect. You'll never have to suffer again, not if I have anything to do with it." 

He places his hands around my belly in a protective manner,  gently rubbing up and down. "Nothing is going to separate us, not in this lifetime or any other one for that matter. I am yours and you are mine. Forever. Not even death will part us, I promise." 

I look up at him, tears blurring my vision, my face damp with tears that had already fallen. He's perfect, in every damn way. "Draco." He smiles at me, moving one hand to my face to wipe my tears. "Don't cry darling. It's alright, I'm here, I'll always be here. I didn't mean to make you sad, I was just trying to answer your question." 

I laugh through the tears, my heart filling up with joy. "I'm not sad. Well not in an actual sad way. In a happy way, if that makes sense. You're just really making me happy and I'm really happy to have you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you for making me so happy. You make me feel really special, like I'm the only one in the world. And I never want that to end, I never want us to end." 

He raises his eyebrow, mouth parting slightly as he releases a scoff. "Well I don't plan on us ever ending so you had no reason to say that. And you are the only one in the world, the only woman that will ever matter to me besides my mother and our future daughters. You are the only wife that I will ever have, the only best friend that I will have. You are my everything, and I'm so sorry that I took so long to tell you. 

"If only I hadn't been an idiot, we could have had so many more years together. Life at Hogwarts would have been so much better. I wasted all those years thinking about you when I could have shown you how much you mattered, you would have known so much sooner that you are the most precious thing in the world. But I have the rest of our lives to tell you that, so start getting used to it, yeah?" 

I nod, speechless. "The rest of our lives are going to be absolutely amazing." He grins, placing a kiss onto my forehead. "Ethereal." 

A/N: Been in the longest writing slump. And to be honest I've lost my passion for writing. Something about it is really hard for me. I don't have much motivation for it. I love all of the support you guys have given me, reading your comments makes me want to come back. With it being summer I am going to try and write more. There will be an epilogue, not sure when but hopefully soon. Let me know what other story I should write, let me know things to do better on the next one as well. I'm all for constructive criticism. Happy summer! I love you all!

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