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"Good afternoon class" The professor greeted us with a solemn smile as we took our seats. "I understand that these last few days must have been a bit nerve wracking for you." 

She sat behind her desk and took out a stack of papers. "I'm sure that there are a lot of mixed emotions in terms of what we all know this class is about today, therefore I want to make it as easy as I can for you all." 

She smiled and passed the papers around, hushed whispers broke out around the room. Why is she smiling? What is there to make easy on us, they are taking our kids away from us.

I'll hex her, I'm already in a bad mood.

"This survey I would like you all to fill out. Check a simple yes or no and write you and your partner's name. I believe that the ministry didn't think about the consequences that came along with you all temporarily raising children." 

She sighed in displeasure, "They had to have known that you all would get attached to them. So we have come up with a solution, this survey will tell us if you would like to keep your child or not." 

I let out a breath that I had been holding, the strain on my shoulders had relaxed and it felt as if I could breath again. Draco had done the same. 

We looked at each other with wide grins and that told us all we needed to know. We want to keep him.

"But there's a catch"

Our smiled faded and we looked back at the teacher in fear. The same thoughts going through our heads, 'What's the catch?' 

I worriedly looked at my sweet innocent boy who was playing with all of the other clueless kids. We were discussing their lives and they had no clue. 

"We will still have to deactivate the children for now. But the good news is that iif you want them, the female in the relationship will have to take a small pill." 

She held up a small white pill.

"Once they take this it will make sure that when you conceive your child within the next few months, it will be your baby project child as a full human witch or wizard." 

She went back to her desk and Draco and I looked back at Matthew. 

"See you soon buddy" he whispered to himself, I felt my heart clench a little. Of course I'm happy that we will see him soon, but what are we gonna do without him? 

I don't remember what it feels like to not be called mommy, to not be woken up in the middle of the night because he had nightmares. To have to take care of someone and have them depend on me.

I obviously have Draco but it is a different kind of feeling. I love them the same, but it is so much different with your child.

 I'm gonna miss him so much.

Murmurs broke out in the classroom as we started filling out the form. I hear that some people don't want their kids, and I feel actually sad for them. 

Apparently things didn't go so well for Ginny and Harry. I guess they realized that they weren't meant for each other after all.

I swiped the paper to my side and grabbed my quill, not even looking at Draco for the confirmation that I already knew. 

Names: Draco and Chantel Malfoy

Do you want to keep your child?

Yes: ✔


He nodded in approval and grabbed my hand to play with the engagement ring. He likes doing that, he doesn't say it but I know that it's a sign of reassurance for him. 

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