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I woke up to the feeling of Draco trailing lines on my bare back.

I laid there for a second before I felt him hover over me and he placed warm wet kisses on my neck.

I leaned my head forward, allowing him to have more access. I bit my lip trying to hold back my moans that were threatening to spill out.

"Draco," I whimpered as he started to suck harder. "Good morning love," he spoke against my neck. The vibrations of his voice tickled my skin.

His hand started trailing down my stomach, and I realized that I was completely naked. "What time is it?" I panted under his touch.

"Uh 8:27." I jumped out of bed, "Are you serious!?"

I ran to my dresser to get clothes. "Mhm," he hummed while staring at my body. I rolled my eyes at him and threw his outfit that I quickly put together. I'm sick of seeing him in only black suits.

Get dressed!" I yelled as I quickly put on an outfit similar to his

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Get dressed!" I yelled as I quickly put on an outfit similar to his.

(Minus the bag and glasses

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(Minus the bag and glasses. Her hair is also down.)

Once we were both ready it was 8:39, so we had 21 minutes to eat. I dragged him to the Great Hall and sat him down next to me at the table.

"Well don't you guys look really cute!" Pansy squealed as I grabbed 2 chocolate chip waffles, I guess today I was in the mood to eat.

"Yea I know right! I was sick of him wearing the suits all the time." I ranted as I admired Draco's outfit. "Oh please, we all know that I was hot in those suits." Draco boasted.

"Yea, you looked hot for a grandpa." Pansy shot back. We all bursted into laughter at her insult, except for him.

"But seriously, you need to style Blaise, he can't dress himself even if his life depended on it." I giggled as Blaise made a face that said 'why did you have to call me out like that?'

I nodded and continued to eat my food, I subconsciously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and Pansy flipped out.

"Bloody hell Chantel! Did you get bitten by a vampire or something?" I scrunched my nose, "What are you talking about?"

Draco grabbed my face and turned my head in different ways to look at my neck. He had a smug grin on his face, I had a feeling I knew what this was about.

I moved my face away from him and grabbed my portable mirror out of my bag.

I gasped.

My neck was covered in purple marks. There were a few bright red ones, meaning that they were fresh.

What the fuck?!

I glared at Draco who was trying to hold back his laughter. I put my hair back in its original place and put my head down, trying not to show them my red cheeks.

"So What did you guys do last night?" Blaise winked at us. "Nothing!" I guiltily yelled, causing them to all look at me with a knowing glance.

"Are you sure about that darling?" Draco teased while gripping into my bare thigh. "Y- Yes! Now can we please talk about something else now?" I whined, they all laughed at the embarrassment they have caused me.

"Attention, can all students except for the 6th and 7th years go back to your common rooms please."

Everyone quickly left, minus the confused older kids. "Oh god, here we go again." Pansy whined.

I couldn't help but to agree. There is always something that we have to do now that the law has been created.

"Good Morning all, I regret to inform you that I have some more disappointing news to share."

She paused as our marriage professor walked in with a cart filled with almost a hundred pink shiny vials.

"What the fuck is that?" I whispered to Draco. He shrugged.

"You all know that you will be married by the end of the year, but there are some new laws that are added. The woman must be pregnant no later than 6 months after the wedding."

Everyone gasped, some even let out loud cries. "I can't believe this!" Pansy cried into Blaise's shoulder.

I, once again, wasn't able to react. All I could think about was the fact that I wasn't ready to be a mom. I'm still a kid myself. I have a future ahead of me. I'm not mentally stable yet.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that Draco had wiped a tear off my cheek.

"But again, that's not all."

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"All females must drink one of these vials before they are allowed to leave. This will stimulate a pregnancy, by the end she will give birth to a fake baby. The baby will grow at a faster rate, so the entire process will be about 4 to 6 months long."

I looked over at Pansy and she was in hysterics. "But what if I'm not ready." She sobbed into Blaise, "I'll be here with you the whole time." He comforted her.

This whole thing is so messed up, they are not only forcing us into marriages, but they are forcing us to have children.

Mcgonagall waved her wand and there was a vial in front of every girl.

"You must grab a hair from both you and your partner and put it into the vial. This will activate the vial and the baby will inherit both of your genes."

I sighed and hesitantly grabbed the little vial. "You got this." Draco encouraged me, I nodded and ripped one of my hairs out.

Once I put it into the vial it turned a baby blue color. I then handed it to Draco and he followed my actions.

The vial was a lilac color, I noticed that it smelled amazing. It smelled like Draco.

I looked at Pansy and Blaise and they somehow got Blaise's hair into the vial.

"Ready?" I asked her, she slowly nodded.

I threw it back like a shot and instantly regretted it.

Even though it smelled amazing, it tasted like every nasty flavor of Bertie botts every flavor of beans.

Pansy and I both gagged and the boys looked at us worried.

Draco started to rub my back as I laid my forehead on the table.

I was trying to get over the instant nausea that had overcome me.

These next couple of months are going to be hell.

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