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Warning: There is mentions of anxiety attacks in this chapter. If you want to skip that part, there will be a summary at the end and a symbol to know where to skip.

As we walked through the hallway all of the memories, good and bad came flooding through my mind. I missed being 11 again where I didn't have to worry about anything except for whatever death mission Harry had to do.

Now I have to worry about my future and what will happen now that the war is over.

We sat down in the Great Hall and I noticed that it was rebuilt exactly how it has always been. Now that I think about it, they didn't really change anything at all.

There weren't as many students as there usually is since half of the school died in the war. All of the teachers sat at the teachers table (Let's Pretend That Snape didn't die and now Lupin is back as the DADA teacher)

The only thing that was different was that Dumbledore wasn't there and instead Mcgonagall was headmaster now. She's still head of Gryffindor since she couldn't find anyone good enough to take over.

"Attention students!" She stood up while tapping her goblet with her knife. The chatter immediately stopped and all eyes were in her.

"Firstly I would like to say welcome back to all of our returning students and add a welcome to our new students." She took a deep breath and looked around the room.

"I wanted to address that I am aware that most of you have noticed that half of the school, is gone and I wanted to say that we have lost so many great people due to the events of last year. I want to offer a moment of silence to respect their heroic actions and pay a tribute to their lives."

There was no sound at all, we all thought about who we have lost and how much we missed them.

I couldn't help but think about her. Alissa Manders, my best friend.

"Thank you for being my best friend and loving me. I'm so sorry you died because of me and I will forever regret not paying attention." I said to her in my head.

Sometimes I talk to her even though I know she can't talk back. I know that she hears me because she will always be with me.

She started talking again, "I would like to say that I hope everyone enjoys the feast, and could all 7th and 8th years stay behind after the feast? I need to announce something."

Confusion broke out all over the room, what did she want? Mcgonagall looked sort of sad. She must have some really bad news if she is sad.

Dinner was the same, Ron was stuffing his face while me, Ginny and Hermione gave him looks of disgust. Harry was laughing at him like the idiot he is.

Ginny and Harry flirted whole Ron glared at them, Ron and Hermione were being awkward towards each other because they can obviously sense the sexual tension they have for each other.

I was always the odd one out, I've never been in a relationship, never even had my first kiss and I'm 18 for Godrick's sake.

~Time Skip~

Once dinner was done everyone started to go back to their Common rooms, while we stayed back everyone was feeling the same thing. Worry. You could feel the uneasiness in the room.

While we were waiting I could feel someone's eyes on me but I didn't know who. The hairs on my neck were standing up and I felt weird.

I discreetly looked around the room to see who it was but I saw no one. I gave up and looked straight ahead when I noticed that it was Draco Malfoy who was staring at me.

We held eye contact for a split second but I was growing nervous under his gaze so I quickly averted eye contact.

I didn't have much time to think about it because not even ten seconds later Mcgonagall started to speak, "I'm sure that you are all confused as to why you guys are here and I'm afraid that I don't have very good news. I'm sorry that this has to happen and believe me I have tried to do what I can to stop is but it is out of my control."

Me and Hermione looked at each other and we had the same thought, what does she mean?

"The ministry has passed a new law that greatly impacts all of you. Since half of the wizarding world has passed away, they are saying that you all need to be paired up with someone, and you will be married by the end of the year."

There were gasps around the room but I couldn't find it in me to react.


How could they make this choice for us? Who would I get? Would they treat me right?

A million questions were buzzing through my mind. The anxiety was starting to eat me alive and it was getting hard to breathe.

It felt like the walls of my body were starting to close in on my lungs and I couldn't find the strength to breathe.

The questions wouldn't stop, are they nice? What about kids? My vision was getting blurry and the voices around me were slowly fading away.

There was a loud ringing in my ears. I knew that I needed to breathe and calm down but I couldn't.

I felt someone shaking me but I couldn't respond. After what felt like forever, everything was slowly coming back to me.

I smelled mint and musky cologne, it was somewhat familiar. My chest loosened and I could hear what everyone was saying, I no longer heard the ringing that was drilling into my brain.


When my vision cleared I was met with stormy grey eyes. I felt 2 strong hands on my shoulders and my breathing was slowing down while I looked into those captivating orbs.

I realized that it was Draco who was holding me. Why is he helping me? He's been acting really strange today. Why am I calm by him, usually when I have a panic attack it is really hard to calm me down but all he did was hold onto my shoulder.

Someone ripped me from his grip and pulled me out of the Great Hall, we went back towards the direction of our Common room.

Without his touch on me I felt... empty. For some reason he made me feel safe and I yearn for his touch again. Maybe I'm just lonely.

I turned to see who took me away and it was Hermione, surprisingly she wasn't drilling me with questions and I was thankful for that.

I just wanted to go to bed and forget about this new law.

When we got inside our dorm I changed into some sweats and a tank top. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

The last thing I did was pray to whoever was listening that whoever I had to marry won't be a horrible match for me.

A/N: So basically they found out that they all had to marry a random person and this shocked everyone. Chantel started having a panic attack and Draco ended up helping her. She was confused as to why he was being nice to her but before she could say anything to him Hermione pulled her away and they went to bed.

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