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A couple days later...

I am in absolute hell.

Ever since I took that bloody vial I have been sick. I can't eat, or drink. I'm always having mood swings.

Yesterday Draco said that I walked too slow, and I cried right in the middle of the hallway. He laughed at me, that made me beat the shit out of him. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the day.

This morning I wasn't even able to get out of bed. I was going to throw up if I moved even an inch.

"Darling?" Draco called out, his voice sounded worried.

"What?" I groaned. He sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my belly. "You're starting to show."

I didn't look at him but I could hear the smile on his face. I opened my eyes and glared at him, the smile immediately faded and he looked scared.

"Are you calling me fat?" His eyes widened, "Wha- no! I-I just mea-"

"Just Shut the fuck up!" I snapped, "I'm gonna be sick if you keep talking." I put a pillow over my face and tried to not think about being sick.

"Should I take you to Madam Pomfrey?" He questioned while standing up.

"What can she do? Hmm? I'm a bloody virgin who is pregnant with a fucking fake baby! What do you think she can honestly do?"

He huffed and picked me up bridal style. "I swear to Merlin Draco Malfoy, don't test me! I am not in the mood." I yelled at him, "Yea I think I know that." He whined as I slapped him on the chest.

Once we made it to the infirmary Draco was basically begging for her help. "Madam Pomfrey! Can you please help her?" He laid me down in an empty bed.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, it smelled like St Mungos and I hated hospitals.

After the war I had to be in the hospital for a month to heal all the wounds and mental damage that I had.

She came rushing over to me, "What's the matter dears?"

"Well uhh she's really nauseous and she can't eat or drink without throwing it back up. She is always having mood swings."

He leaned over to her "She's bloody terrifying."

I opened my eyes, "I heard that you idiot." I snapped at him. He turned back to her "See?!"

Madam Pomfrey came over to me and ran a bunch of tests on me and the baby.

"Ahh yes, it seems that you are having a pregnancy symptom called morning sickness. Only the problem is that you have it all day."

She handed me a potion. "You are a little dehydrated and malnourished due to not being able to eat. This potion should help with that and the sickness."

The liquid was neon green and smelled like battery acid. I made a face of disgust and she laughed at me.

"Well what did you expect, pumpkin juice?" I rolled my eyes and chugged it back.

It tasted worse than it smelled, my insides were on fire. The taste of acid lingers on my taste buds.

I gagged and covered my mouth, "Give it a few moments." She promised me, I laid back waiting for the sense of relief to overcome me.

True to her word, the burning left my body and I didn't have the constant urge to throw up my insides. The soreness of my body had vanished, my mood was better.

I felt amazing.

The hunger that had been hidden had now come out, I sat up, annoyed that this was happening to me.

From what I heard Pansy's pregnancy was going perfect. She wasn't sick, she could eat just fine.

Lucky bitch.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news." Madam pomfrey sighed, oh god what is she gonna say? That I'm carrying triplets?

"What is it?" Draco blurted out, he sounds scared.

He does know that this "baby" inside me is fake right?

"Well, I'm afraid that given the signs of how you are reacting to the fake pregnancy, when you are really pregnant, you will experience severe sickness. It might be too much for your body or the baby to handle, there is a chance that you or the baby wouldn't survive."

A/N: I just want to say thank you to all of you who are showing me support. If really motivated me and made me feel really happy. I'm not really confident in my writing and I think it's kinda bad, but you guys saying all these nice things and commenting really makes me feel better.

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