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It's been a few days since I gave birth and it has been really hard.

Matthew is always crying, he never wants to sleep-leaving Draco and I exhausted.

He's grown to be about 4 months old now. Pansy and Luna had both given birth to girls who are around 3 months old.

Other than the pounding headaches and the sleepless nights, being a 'parent' has been amazing.


I walked into the room to see Draco sleeping on the bed. Matthew was on top of him sound asleep.

Draco was holding on to our small baby tightly, careful to make sure that he doesn't fall.

Moments like these when I see how sweet and caring he is makes me forget about all the horrible things he has done in the past.

I quietly 'awwed' at the heartwarming sight and carefully made my way over to the bed and laid next to them.

Noticing the movement in the bed, Draco immediately opens his eyes and checks to see if the baby was okay. Once he realized Matthew was fine, he turned to me with the sleepy smile.

"Hi love" his voice was raspy and deep. "Hi amore mio" I smiled back.

He used his other hand to gently pull me into his chest, holding Matthew and I close. I closed my eyes and listened to the soft study breathing of my boys.

~Flashback Over~

"Draco?" I turned to look at him while he was changing Matthew's diaper. He didn't like doing it very much. That's why I made him do it.

"Yes darling?" "Can we do something fun today? I really need a break from this whole parenting thing." He laughed and picked Matthew up now facing me.

"Well what do you want to do?" I thought about it; we can't really do much. If we go in public right now there will be paparazzi everywhere, and I don't feel like ordering them around.

"Uhhh we can go swimming with Blaise, Pansy, Luna and Theo?" I suggested. "I can get some people to watch the babies."

He smiled, "I think that's a great idea, even though I love being with Matthew. I think we definitely need a break."

I happily nodded and left to go start getting everything ready.

~Time Skip~

"Thank Merlin we are getting a break." Pansy groaned, "Seriously, Sarah is killing me." Luna laughed. "And Theo isn't any better than her, he acts just like a baby."

"Tell me about it" I chuckled.

While we were getting changed we talked about random stuff.

We had all agreed that during our pool time we won't talk about babies.

"What do you think everything is like back at Hogwarts?" I asked, thinking about my previous friends.

Do they even miss me?

Do they think about me?

"Who cares." Pansy Scoffed, "We all know who you're referring to. Don't. Don't waste your time thinking about them when they don't care about you."

She turned to me, she sounded harsh but I know she didn't mean it that way.

"Yea" I sighed then smiled. "So are you all ready?" They nodded and walked forward.

We all gasped seeing each other.

"We look hot!" We all cheered, looking each other up and down.

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