~ LOVE ~

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I woke up with Draco's head on my chest and his body in between my legs. Even though he is really heavy this is a really comfortable position.

The room was completely silent except for the sounds of his steady breathing. I checked the time with the large grandfather clock across from us on the wall and it was 3:27 a.m.


We missed dinner, I sighed and rolled my eyes while laying back down. I could walk to the kitchens to grab some food but I would have to move his heavy body and hope he doesn't wake up, that's too much work.

Breakfast is only in around 4 and 1/2 hours so I'll just have to wait until then and go back to sleep.

I started running my fingers to go soft blonde hair. How does he keep his hair so soft when he grew up practically gluing it to his head?

I started massaging his scalp gently trying not to wake him up when he shifted a little lower, laying his head on my belly instead of my chest. He wrapped his arms underneath the back of my thighs and went back to sleep.

I still can't get over the fact that I am marrying him, and that he's actually cuddling me. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up and Draco was still asleep in the same position as he was a couple hours ago but we needed to get up and I was starving. "Draco," I softly called while I was rubbing the side of his face that wasn't laying on my belly. He didn't move, not even a twitch.

"Draco wake up, it's time for classes." I said a little louder. I tried to shake him but he wouldn't get up. "For fucks sake" I groaned. I tried my hardest to wiggle from under him and start my day.

When I managed to get my body out from under him I immediately felt the cold from the lack of his body heat.

Since it was only 7:00 a.m. I figured I'll take a little longer to get ready while he is still sleeping. I went into the shower and let the warm water cascade down my body and I closed my eyes and bliss.

I took my Cherry scented shampoo and massaged my scalp, this was one of my favorite things to do since my hair is naturally straight and I recently cut it, meaning it was easier for me to manage.

Once I conditioned my hair I grabbed my brown sugar body scrub and rubbed it onto my body, exfoliating all of the dead skin. I use this to make sure that my skin is always soft and that it helps me smell even better.

After that I grab my vanilla body wash and lather it onto a loofah, cleaning all the dirt and sweat from last night off.

I meant to shower yesterday but I fell asleep with Draco.

Once I'm all clean I get out of the shower and dry my body off, then applied lotion to my whole body. I went to grab my underwear when I realized that I forgot it.


I hope Draco is still asleep.

I wrapped the towel tightly around my body making sure it wouldn't fall off of me, and quietly made my way to the dresser in our bedroom. I grabbed a matching black lace bra and underwear set and went to bend over a bit to grab my uniform.

"Wow that's something I could get used to seeing when I wake up."

Chanted the obnoxious voice from the boy who was supposed to be asleep. I jumped at the voice and instinctively gripped my towel tighter, making me drop all of my clothes.

His eyes went to my clothes on the floor then raked up my almost  completely exposed body. I could feel his eyes hungrily trailing along my body and I felt really embarrassed and nervous.

I looked at the floor and I heard him get off the bed and stride over to me.

"Sorry! I- I forgot my clothes and I thought you were as- asleep." I ranted and he chuckled at me.

He took his thumb and index finger under my chin and tilted my head up so that I was looking at him. I felt very nervous under his gaze and looked at the floor instead.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you hmm?" He paused and his voice wasn't as soft as it usually was, but it wasn't as cruel. More so... dominant.

"Look at me," he demanded in a deep slow voice. My lip quivered and I timidly looked into his eyes.

They were darker than usual and held something bigger beneath them. Lust, arousal, admiration.

"Why are you being so shy now?" I gulped and  couldn't find any words to say, he has never acted this way towards me but I kinda like it.

He took his fingers and squeezed my cheeks together, parting my lips. While his palm rested on my chin keeping me in a firm grip. His hold wasn't hard to the point where it will hurt me, but it might make my skin a little red for a while.

"Answer me." He seethed. "I d- don't know. I- I jus- just am." I mumbled out.

He laughed at me and grabbed the back of my neck, bringing his mouth to my ear. "Don't be shy now love, soon enough you'll be begging for me to touch this beautiful body of yours, I know I'm waiting for it."

He breathed while tracing his tongue along my ear, I feel shivers go down my spine and goosebumps erupted from my whole body. His warm breath tickled my skin.

And I had this feeling that I never felt before between my legs. There was a dull ache that wouldn't go away. I swallowed and pressed my thighs together to try and relieve some of the unbearable tension.

He pulled away with a smirk and looked at my thighs. "Looks like it might be sooner than I thought." He gave me on final wink and turned to walk into the bathroom leaving me completely baffled and a squirming mess.

He didn't even do anything to me and I feel hot and bothered.

A/N: Hey, happy new years to everyone and I just wanted to say sorry for not updating. I needed a break because I lost all my motivation and had a lot of stuff going on. I'm going to try and update more.
Thank you to all of you who have read my story, and let me know anything I could do to improve because I'm not that good at writing. :)

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