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"Are you ready for the first day of 8th year Ellie?" Mione asked me as we boarded the Hogwarts express.

I was a little anxious to be back here, given the horrible events that took place here just last year. The battle of Hogwarts. I still have nightmares sometimes.

I watched my best friend die right in front of me. She was trying to save me. A death eater shot the killing curse at me when my back was turned and she jumped in front of me.

I will forever feel guilty for not paying attention, my foolishness caused her to die. We all lost so many people in that war, but in the end we won.

He's gone.

I shook my head and got rid of those thoughts. Whenever I thought for too long about her, the guilt eats me up and I sometimes go through periods of dark stages in my life. I had just got out of one and I don't want to go back.

"Yea Mione , I'm just a little nervous." She sighed and pulled me into a hug while we were standing in the entrance of the train. Everyone was already on, so we didn't have to worry about being in the way.

"I understand but it's all over now. She would want you to be happy. C'mon, let's go find an empty compartment." I nodded and we put our luggage into the luggage area, we wandered through the passages of the train to find somewhere to sit.

When we found one towards the end where all the Slytherins are. I sat across from Hermione and laid my head on the window.

After a few minutes of silence I started to drift off into a peaceful sleep when I realized how quiet it was. Where are the two idiots?

"Where's Harry and Ron?" I asked sitting back up. She closed her book and rolled her eyes. "Those boys." She huffed, "They are probably making a fuss somewhere. I saw them just twenty minutes ago, but they probably started a problem with someone. I mean seriously, they can be real idiots sometimes. "

I nodded and chuckled thinking about how they always get themselves into trouble, I went back to my original position.

"Wake me up when it's time to change please?" "Mhmm," She hummed to me while reopening her book.

This girl is always reading a book I swear. You would think after almost dying she would learn to live a little but nope.

I fell into a dreamless sleep while feeling the gentle bumps of the train riding into the tracks.

~Time skip~

"Honestly Chantel, wake up! Uhhhh!" She whined while shaking me furiously.

I groaned and mumbled a "Thanks" while grabbing my uniform to change. I stifled a yawn as I went through the small halls of the train.

The bathrooms were empty so I didn't have to wait in the long lines like I usually do.

I locked the door and put on my white button up shirt, along with my plaid skirt.

I had grown a lot over the year that we had off, my curves had finally come in so the skirt was now above my mid thigh but not to the point where you can see my underwear, and the shirt wasn't baggy anymore.

No one has ever paid attention to me before so I didn't think about what I looked like.

I put on my Gryffindor tie on and flattened my hair down to make myself look like I hadn't just been sleeping for 4 hours.

After I made sure I looked okay, I opened the door to go back to my seat when I accidentally hit someone with the door.

Oh no.

I gasped and went over to them, "I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't looking where I w-was going!"

The person in front of me was really tall and they smelled really nice. I looked up and saw Draco Malfoy.


He had his hand on his forehead and he closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Is he gonna yell at me? Someone please plan my funeral, I think he's gonna kill me.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He said while opening his eyes to look at me. I blinked in shock and couldn't let any words come out. He's not gonna flip out and call me a name?

During my time at Hogwarts I have never been called a "Mudblood," but I have been called "Blood Traitor," almost everyday by Malfoy and his friends.

I'm a pureblood but since I hang out with Hermione they started attacking me for it.

I'm from a pretty wealthy family, not as rich as the Malfoy's, but the Jameson's are part of the sacred 29. (I added another family just for this story)

My parents Elena and Giovanni Jameson are both pureblood Gryffindors and growing up they taught me that I could be friends with anyone and that blood didn't matter.

I think he sensed my confusion and worry so he gave me a reassuring smile.

He is so handsome, I have always had a little crush in him but never acted on it because he would never like someone like me.

"Relax Jameson, I'm not gonna hurt you for bumping into me. It was an accident, and it was my fault as well."

What happened to the Draco Malfoy that I have known for 7 years? He's being... Nice? That has never happened before.

I fidgeted with my hands and nodded, "O-okay."

Before I could let him respond I walked by him and sped walked back to my compartment.

What is going on with him? Why did he smile? He doesn't smile, he smirks and sneers. Has the war really changed him?

So I'm going through some of the chapters and fixing any mistakes. The story is basically done, I just need to make the last few chapters and that will be a wrap! Thank you all so much for your support I truly appreciate it. I am working on something and I hope that I will be able to publish it sometime this year.

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