~ The Malfoys ~

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The new year rolled around bringing us into 1998. We're halfway through with the school year, our last year at Hogwarts. 5 more months until our weddings. 

I'm still not showing, my belly looked the same as it always does, which makes me a little sad. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm barely 2 months pregnant, and it was completely normal to not show.

Today we were going to Draco's manor to visit his parents. I was really nervous for that, it felt like the butterflies in my belly would take over and make me fly away somewhere else. 

I think I wouldn't mind if that happened, I can't function properly with how nervous I was. 

I was currently sitting in the middle of the closet, a pile of clothing stiitng around me. I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to wear to meet his parents. 

Formal? Casual? A mixture of both?

I never meet parents, I have no idea what to expect and I don't know how to act. Especially around rich purebloods. Do they still think halfbloods and muggleborns are scum? 

I hope not, from what Draco told me about his mother, she seems like the sweetest and most caring woman there is. I can't imagine her acting like them, treating anyone below them like that. 

He looks up to her so much and I want to have a good relationship with his mother, I want to make him happy by having the 2 most important women in his life close to each other. 

"Uhhhh." I throw one of my bras out the door in frusteration. "Draco!" 

He immediately comes rushing in the closet, panic on his face. "What happened? Is something wrong, is the baby alright? Are you alright?" He paused to look around the room, seeing all of my clothes scattered around everywhere.

"What happened here?" he blinked a few times before focusing on me in my hormonal state.

"I don't have anything to wear!" I cry out in frustration, tears start uncontrollably streaming down my face against my will. He scoffed and held his hands out, "You clearly don't. I mean look at this place, it looks like your dresser explo-"

He was cut off by my deadly glare with a gulp, "You wanna finish that sentence?" He shook his head immediately while walking over to me with a hesitant smile. "Darling, I think you have plenty to wear. I would love to take you out to get more clothes, but we have to be there in an hour."

"An hour! What am I supposed to wear? I want to impress them, do I go with a dress? But what if it's too short? Do I wear jeans? What if that's too casual? What if they think I didn't try? But what if I wear something fancy and they think I tried too hard? Help me!"

I lean my head back onto Draco's chest, trying my hardest not to cry. I've been so emotional lately and that only makes me more upset, because I'm a cry baby all the time. It's a never ending tear waterfall over here.

"Baby whatever you wear they will love you, I'm sure of it. And if they don't then they are going to have to deal with it, because you aren't going anywhere. You're stuck with me, especially since my baby is inside you. And all of my other future babies."

I look at him through my water filled eyes, "You really mean it?" He nods, "Of course I mean it, you are my world. I could never give you up. Now how about you try this on?"

He hands me light washed baggy jeans with one of his quidditch hoodies that say Malfoy on the back. I close my eyes and lift my arms over my head lazily. "Can you put it on me? I'm tired." He throws his head back and lets out the laugh that I love so much. "Anything for you, love. I'll give you the world if you ask for it."

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