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"Matthew, I love it." I smiled at the small baby on my chest. "How do you feel?"

Draco started rubbing my head the way I like. "It hurts," I mumbled while closing my eyes.

"What hurts?" He furrowed his brows. Is he really acting this dumb right now?

"What the fuck do you think hurts!?" I snapped at him. "I just pushed a big ass kid out of my vagina. Espèce d'imbécile." (Idiot)

I rolled my eyes. I don't mean to be rude, my hormones are still messed up still.

"impolie" (Rude) he mumbled back. "Sorry" I whisper, instantly feeling bad.

"It's okay love, I understand. You did so well. I'm really proud of you." He smiled at me while I looked up at him worried.

"Do you think I'm gonna be stretched out now?" I panicked, his eyes widened.

"It doesn't matter, I  will still love you the same." He smirked at me, "But no, they will do a spell and you'll be nice and tight like you always are."

He winked. I looked at him, "And how the hell do you know that." He laughed, "Remember the class the boys had to take alone?"

I hesitantly nodded. "Well that's one of the things that they talked about." I was about to question him more but the baby's cry brought our attention back to him.

"Is he hungry?" Draco asked and I simply shrugged my shoulders. "One way to find out.. wait," I turned to him.

"What do we feed him?" They seriously didn't tell us any of this before putting kids in me.

He grinned mischievously, "Well love, your boobs didn't get bigger for no reason." He laughed, "Pop a titty in his mouth."

I looked at him horrified, that's gonna hurt so bad. My boobs already hurt to the point where I will cry if you bump into them.

Sighing, I positioned him in the right spot and almost screamed at the odd sensation. His cries were muffled by the sound of him swallowing the milk.

"How it it?" He looked curious. I grimaced, "It hurts really bad, and it feels very weird."

"Not like when I do it?" He joked around and I quickly shook my head.

"I would hope not." I scoffed, "That would be weird and wrong if a kid sucking my titty turned me on."

He raised his eyebrow. And I immediately thought of something that would weird him out of his perverted thoughts.

"Do you want to try it?" He looked confused. "Huh?" I chuckled, "Do you wanna try the milk."

He looked horrified, immediately shaking his head no, but he also looked a little bit curious.

"Hey bitch!" Pansy yelled while walking into the room with the rest of the group.

Draco immediately covered the baby and my chest with a blanket, but he made sure not to suffocate him.

"Shhhhhh" I pointed to the baby. He had now fallen asleep while eating.

"How do you feel Chantel?" Luna's sweet voice made me smile. Pansy and her had sat on the edges of my tiny bed.

"I'm tired as hell." I sighed. "I'm sorry, but you are so strong."

Her sympathy always amazed me. She would be nice to the people who definitely never deserved it.

"On a serious note, how did it feel?" Pansy looked at me with a questionable face. I slightly laughed at how horrified she will be.

"on a l'impression d'être baisé avec le dos de 2 balais qui sont en feu en même temps"

( it feels like you are being fucked with the back of 2 broomsticks that are on fire at the same time)

Luna and her gasped while Draco muttered a quiet 'ouch'.

I forgot he speaks french, even though we had just been talking in french.

I need to teach the girls Spanish so that we can talk in peace. I covered my mouth to muffle the loud laughter that was about to escape my lips.

Their scared expressions were priceless.

After a few minutes of talking, Matthew had woken up and everybody looked at us.

I quickly put my shirt back on under the blanket and pulled him out for everyone to see.

"Everyone, meet Matthew!" I held him up for everyone to see.

He had opened his eyes and was looking around. He sort of had Draco's face. The sneer that he had walked around with for the past 8 years.

"Awwweee" they all cooed. "He looks just like Draco."

I rolled my eyes, "Yea I know. I did all that work just for him to come out looking like him."

I threw a side glance at Draco while everyone laughed at me.

"To be honest, I had always thought he bleached his hair. Now I know that he doesn't." I shrugged.

Everyone laughed while it was Draco's turn to glare at me.

"Don't make me bend you over my knee love." He threatened me with a smirk, "I won't be afraid to punish your ass even if you just gave birth."

I widened my eyes in shock. "Okay then... can I hold him?"

Pansy asks with a hopeful smile, holding out her hands.

I nodded and handed him to her. Then I leaned back, relaxing for the first time and what seems like forever.

Not even 2 hours into being a 'parent' and I'm already exhausted.

"He's so adorable," she cooed while gently rocking him back and forth. I close my eyes, physically unable to keep them open any longer.

"I'm so tired." I whispered to myself, not expecting anyone to hear. "I know darling."

Draco rubs my cheeks while I rested my head into his palm.

Matthew's cries once again started and I bolted my eyes open, seeing Pansy with a panicked face.

I sighed and reached out for him, praying for some silence to come.

"Ah ah ah." Draco hooded and gently pushed me back down I gave him a 'what the fuck do you mean' look while he got up.

"I'll take care of him while you get some rest you just spent hours in labor, you need to relax. I've got this."

I smiled and appreciation and mumbled goodbyes to my friends, Draco sat beside me and calmed the baby down while I close my eyes.

"You've got the best mommy ever. I can't wait to marry her, I really love her. Just wait till you see how perfect she is."

A/N: Thank you guys so much for over 3k reads!!! Not once did I ever expect to get that many reads. The last time I tried to write a story it did not end well, and if you read my first story I would like to apologize for how awful it was. Thank you for all the appreciation and positive comments that you guys have been leaving about the story. Let me know anything I can do to change it or make it better ☺️

When Worlds Collide ~EDITING~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt