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Again, I only speak English so I use google translate for any other languages. If I make a mistake please let me know and I will be happy to fix it. :)

"Why what honey?"

"Why did you leave me?" I turned to her, the anger I had previously felt now turned into sadness.

"I'm so sorry!" She sobbed out, obviously knowing exactly what I'm talking about. She tried to move closer but I slowly stepped back. A look of hurt flashed on her face, but she quickly covered it up.

"I was horrible and I did mean what I said. I want to show you that I'm serious now." I silently started her, her eyes looking straight at me. She isn't fidgeting or indicating any signs of her lying.

I sighed, "Alright, I forgive you." A flicker of hope appeared on her face. "But" her face fell, "But what?" She nervously asked.

Poor woman, she probably thinks I'm going to tell her that I never want to see her again.

"But that doesn't mean that I'll forget. You still really hurt me and Eysis, don't think we're going to be a perfect little family. And I guess I also understand why you didn't tell me about my dad."

I grumbled looking down, embarrassed by this talk. "Oh" she gasped and flung her arms around me so tight that I couldn't breathe, until she finally pulled away, her face beaming with glee. "Thank you so much, you won't regret it. I promise!"

~Time Skip~

Today is the day, the day we go back to Hogwarts and I'm having mixed feelings, on one hand I'm excited to go back. But I'm also a little bit nervous.

I kept nervously glancing at the picture of Harry, my dad and I and telling myself that it will be okay.

If Harry can't get his head out of his ass and accept me for who I'm with, then I don't need him in my life.

"I love you so much sissy" Eysis sobbed into my neck as we all stood at the door with our luggage. "I love you too peanut, so much."

I pulled away from her, "ne pleure pas mon amour, je te verrai bientôt" [Don't cry my love, I'll see you soon]

"peut-être pourrons-nous voir si vous pourriez venir rendre visite à Draco et moi pendant l'été d'accord?"
[maybe we can see if you could come visit draco and i over the summer. ok?]

She sniffled and bit her quivering lip, "But that's so far away." She whined and buried her face back into my neck.

My heart hurts to leave her like this, she was already a mess saying bye to the kids, especially after we explained what will happen to them.

"I'll write to you all the time. And hey, there's a chance you might see us sooner than that." I gave her a playful wink which resulted in a soft smile.

We do have a wedding that we need to plan.

"Ok" she sighed. After giving her one last kiss she went to say goodbye to all my friends. They too had grown fond of her. They say that she's and angel and that I'm the devil compared to her.

If only they knew how she acts when you piss he off.

Once she went up to Draco he bent down and wrapped his large arms around her. "I'm gonna miss you squirt, but you take care, yea?"

She nodded, "I'm gonna miss you too dragon." She pulled away and turned serious.

"si vous blessez ma soeur je m'assurerai que vous paierez pour cela" [if you hurt my sister I will make sure that you will pay for it] she threatened and I bit my lip to to keep quiet at Draco's shocked reaction.

"j'ai compris" [Got it] he nodded.

Earlier we had said bye to my mom who was now at her group therapy. She really does want to get better, and that's all I ever wanted.

"I love you so much peanut, I'll see when you can come over all right?" Draco and I hadn't made a definite decision yet, but we talked about moving into our own home once we graduate.

I made sure that Draco was okay with Eysis coming to stay with us first because it would be his home too. He actually really like that idea, he adores her so much and it makes me really happy.

He said she's like the little sibling he never had.

I have no idea how it will work with her coming over because by the summer time we will be married and then we need to start trying for a baby.

I really don't want my sister there while we're trying, that will be weird as fuck.

Once we had a very crowded and uncomfy way back to hogwarts, we all stumbled into McGonagall's office.

"Wow!" The kids gasped while looking around. "Oh, you're all back! Welcome home."

She greeted us with a warm smile. "Look at them!" She cooed at the kids, "They are so big now."

I smiled back and looked at my baby boy, he looks just like Draco. It's almost as if he was Draco from first year, minus all the hair gel.

I refuse to have my kid glue their hair to their head, Draco agrees.

He made a face of horror once I brought it up, telling me to not remind him about his awful hairstyle.

"Well I hope everything is well Miss Potter" she said nonchalantly, all of our heads snapped up to look at her in confusion.

"How did-?" "I've always known, Chantel, I was waiting for the day that you would find out the truth."

She looked at me with a small sad smile, "Your father would be very proud of the amazing woman you have become."

I nodded, slightly smiling at the thought.

Would he really?

That's all I had ever wanted in life, to make my parents proud.

"I think it's time you go talk to him."

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