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  *TRIGGER WARNING* Mentions of self harm!!!!!!

We made it to breakfast and I'm still overwhelmed by what just happened.

We walked in silence and Draco had a huge smirk on his face the whole time. He's so overly confident it is really annoying.

We reached the Great Hall and once we were inside I paused, where do I sit? I looked up the Gryffindor table, my friends were happily conversing with each other.

Would they hate me for being with Draco? I mean it's not like I chose to be with him, but do I really regret being paired with him?


Draco was halfway towards his table when he realized that I wasn't next to him. He stopped and observed me just standing there, looking torn.

I looked at him and nodded towards my friends, indicating that I wanted to sit with them. He gave me an encouraging nod, telling me that it's okay to go with them.

I smiled in appreciation and made my way to my friends. "Hey guys," I slowly greeted.

They all stopped their conversation and just looked at me with slight sneers. "Why are you here?" Ron growled.

I raised my eyebrows, taken back by his tone. "What do you mean?" I croaked and Harry scoffed.

"You can't sit with us. You're no longer our friend when you are marrying him." Harry spat, disgust and anger laced in his voice.

Where is this coming from?

"You're a snake just like them. A filthy death eater by association! You're with someone that worshipped a murderer! They killed Alissa and you're with him. You were a terrible friend anyways."

I couldn't breathe, why is he acting like this? I haven't done anything wrong. Tears were threatening to fall and I struggled to contain them.

"Bu- But you know it's not my choice. Besides, he isn't b- bad, he's really nice. He's changed Harry!" I pleaded. He can't throw our friendship away like this.

"No," Ron interjected. "This is your fault you're just as bad as him don't you see!? There's obviously something wrong with you because the hat picked him for a reason!" His voice was thick with hatred.

It felt as though my walls were crumbling. Why wasn't Hermione saying anything? She agrees?

I turned to Hermione with plea in my eyes. "Mione?" I whimpered, she was my last hope. She can't be on their side.

She looked at them and then turned to me. She too had a sneer on her face. One that I only have ever seen when she was talking to Draco.

"Do not call me that! Only my friends call me that and you most certainly weren't my friend once you got engaged to that vile boy!" She loathed.

"Now get out of our faces Jameson!" she's spat at me.

By now the whole hall is staring at us and I was paralyzed.

How could they do this to me?

I was about to beg, plea for them to forgive me but she said the words that I never thought she would ever say.

"It's a shame Alissa died. It should have been you! You don't deserve to live when you are one of those loathsome Slytherins."

I felt numb.

I heard people gasp and murmur about how horrible they were for saying that but I felt absolutely nothing.

I sadly nodded and turned my back to leave the Great Hall.

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