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"That's fucked up" Pansy sat back in her seat, "I'm so sorry Chantel." Luna squeezed my hand in encouragement.

I nodded, "Don't worry about it guys, I'm more pissed than anything. But I shouldn't even be surprised,"

I crossed my arms. "She hasn't been the best mom anyways, so I should have expected something like this to happen."

I sat on Draco's lap and sighed, "Imagine if your brother is someone you've messed with." Pansy chuckled, earning a strong glare from me.

"That's the nastiest shit I've ever heard." I made a face of disgust at the realization, "Oh, Merlin, I hope not."

"Relax darling, everything is going to be okay. I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

Draco squeezed my thigh and decided to switch the subject, "So what are we doing today?"

I shrugged, "I don't really want to do anything but I can call some people to take you guys sightseeing."

I offered, they all turned to me, "Guys it's fine. I've lived here most of my life and I'm not going to spoil your fun just because I'm going through stuff."

Theo sighed, "Are you sure? We don't want you to be alone, especially if you need us." I smiled and shook my head, "I'll be fine. I'm going to go call someone for you guys."

I stood up, "And please don't worry about me, I'm seriously okay."

I offered them a small smile, masking the fact that I really wasn't okay. But I don't want to worry them.

I told one of my house else to contact my favorite tour guide, he'll take them to all the best spots and make sure they have a great time.

Draco came and found me once again to ask if I was okay. I gave him the same answer, "I'm fine" but am I really?


But I will be eventually. I don't want to be a burden.

After practically throwing them out of the door, I was finally alone to think.

I laid in bed for a little while, staring at nothing. Why was this happening to me?

My mom practically left me, my dad who wasn't actually my dad left me too. And I have no clue where or who my real dad is.

And what did Daniel mean by "I'm sorry you never got to meet him?"

My best friend who is everything to me died, and the people who I thought were my friends practically threw me away too.

Am I really not that worth it?

Is Draco going to leave me too?

Am I not good enough for him?

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a light knocking on my door.

"Who is it?" I called out, I swear if it's my mom trying to make up an excuse I will pack my bags and leave. I'll just have to take my friends back some other time.

"It's Eysis." The sweet soft innocent voice shouted from the other side of the door. the wave of guilt came crashing over me, this whole time I've been here and I was too worried about myself and didn't spend time with my little sister.

"Come in baby" I said was sitting up and smiling at her. She doesn't need to hear about my problems, "I'm so sorry peanut. I barely seen you" I placed her on my lap while she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.

"It's ok sissy, I'm glad you're here now." She buried her face into my neck. I inhaled her sweet passion fruit shampoo, the scent bringing me peace and comfort.

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