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"There is a chance that you or the baby wouldn't survive."

My world stopped.

I can possibly die for having kids, or even worse, my baby!?

This doesn't make any sense, I am perfectly healthy.

How is Draco going to feel about this? Is he going to hate me because I can't give him kids now?

I can't seem to do anything right, now I can't even give him a family.

Tears welled up in my eyes and my lip quivered. Draco sat on my small bed and pulled me into his arms.

"It's ok, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault darling." His touch calmed me down, but it didn't take the pain of the reality away.

"But," Madam pomfrey spoke up. "I can give you a potion that will help you during your real pregnancy.  It will stop the sickness and will keep you and the baby safe."

Draco's grip on me loosened as he exhaled, "Really!?"

"Yep," she smiled.

So I can finally do something right, I can give him the kids that he wants.

"That's amazing," I exclaimed.

"The only problem is that you would have to come back to Hogwarts once a week so I can give you a large vial with the potion. You will take it daily. You will also come here to get checked out along with the baby."

We nodded simultaneously. "Ok, now you may go. As soon as you feel sick again come back here and I will give you more of the potion."

"Thank you so much," I got out of the bed and Draco grabbed my hand.

Once we made it to the empty hallway he broke the comfortable silence.

"How are you feeling?" We just established this, why is he asking again.

"You already know this, I feel fine." I brushed him off. "No" he scoffed, "You know what I mean, don't play dumb."

"There's nothing to talk about, I feel perfectly fine." I faked a smile, I couldn't tell him that the guilt was eating me alive. I don't know why I feel guilty, I just do.

"Chantel," He said sternly. I sighed in defeat, "I" I paused, unable to form the words that were swirling around my head.

"I just feel like I can't do anything right. I can't be the confident girl that you're used to being around, I can't be good enough like them. Hell, I can't even properly give you a kid and there's a law saying that I need to."

I looked at the floor, suddenly interested in my shoes. "It's just hard to feel good enough when I keep messing things up," I mumbled.

He grabbed my wrist and swiftly pushed me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head. His knee separated my legs, he had this look in his eyes. They were dark and his face had a sneer on it.

"How many times do I need to tell you?" He spat, I am so not used to this, the last time he spoke to me this way was when he used to bully me but that was at least a year ago. His voice holds so much authority and dominance. I know I shouldn't, but I really like it.

"Stop saying this bullshit about yourself. How many times do I need to say it for you to believe it? This," He grazed my slightly bigger stomach with his hand, "Is perfect. And this," He did the same thing over my thighs and stretch marks, "Perfect. This," Now his hand was on my butt, he squeezed it making me gasp. "Is one of my favorites," he shot me a devilish wink, he grabbed my face between his ring covered fingers.

"And this beautiful face, nothing compares to you. You are enough and always will be. Don't ever feel guilty for something you can't control, if we couldn't have kids I would never judge you for that. Especially if you could die from it, I would never expect that from you. Just because this law was forced upon us doesn't mean that you wouldn't have been mine eventually. If I ever hear you say some shit about yourself again I will punish you. Got it?"

His voice went from demanding, to soft, back to stern and threatening.

I was in awe, no words could describe what this man made me feel. I simply nodded, all of a sudden he brought me into a sweet passionate kiss.

They always say that actions were louder than words, and now I knew, he always says that I'm enough, but it's hard to believe it.

He's shown me, this kiss has given me all the reassurance that I needed.

He gently pushed his tongue into my mouth, our tongues began colliding with each other. Tangling and moving with a sweet rhythm.

I felt like I was floating on air, the kiss began to get more heated.

He roughly pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, biting down making me wince.

The metalic taste of my blood filled my senses. I moaned into the kiss, who knew that tasting my blood could be so hot, "I see you have a blood kink," he teased between our short pauses to breathe.

He brought his plump red lips to my neck, savoring me. I was breathless and whimpering by now due to how he made me feel.

So lost in our own world, we didn't hear the footsteps of someone getting closer.

"Ahem!" The voice of a stern looking Mcgonagall broke us out of our trance.

"I believe you should head to lunch miss Jameson and mister Malfoy."

"Yes Professor," we muttered in embarrassment.

Whatever happened in the hallway we never spoke about for the rest of the day, but it had awoken something in me.

I felt unsatisfied, at this point I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist him much longer.

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