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Trigger warning!!! Slight panic attack towards the end


The next morning I woke up to the feeling of Draco tracing random shapes on my bare back. I laid there, content the feeling while I tried to fully wake up. "I know you're awake"

He mumbled as he gently turned my body, earning a slight wince from me. His bright smile faded into a look of worry. "What's the matter?"

I laughed at his concern, "Nothing, I'm just really sensitive. And when I moved, my thighs pushed together."

His signature Malfoy smirk came back and he shifted his body so that he was directly hovering above me, using his elbows to keep his weight from crushing me me. "So what you're saying is that I did good yesterday?"

I scoffed, "You didn't do anything, the vibrator did all the work. So shut your big mouth." I teased him, his mouth parted in shock as I wiggled my way from under him while giggling.

"Uh uhh you have to kiss me" he tutted and I grimaced at the thought. "Ewww no, I haven't brushed my teeth yet." He rolled his eyes, "I don't care, now kiss me."

He pouted his lips and leaned in trying to kiss me. I pushed his head away and got off of the bed while he huffed dramatically and laid back.

"I'm gonna shower" I almost gagged when I realized how dirty I was. I didn't shower last night after our activities so I'm practically covered in a lot of things that I would rather not name .

"Is that an invitation?" He say up and raised his eyebrows. "Nope" I said popping the P to tease him. 

"You had the chance to fuck me yesterday, but instead you wanted to play with your little toys. Your loss."

I said over my shoulder and heard him mutter "You're feisty this morning."

~Time Skip~

Once we were both ready we parted ways Draco went to the kitchen and I went to the nursery to see Matthew sleeping in his crib. I missed him so much.

Even though I have to keep reminding myself that this is a project, a part of me is sad to realize that in about two months we will have to let him go.

I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone standing there with nervous looks on their faces, Draco had cautiously looked at me while I started making myself a cup of coffee.

"What's going on?" they just stood there silently looking at each other as if they were deciding who was going to tell me. "Well I don't have all day!"

I sighed, already getting annoyed with everyone. "Honey" my mom cleared her throat, "You've got a letter."

I don't see how this was such a big deal but by the look on their faces it told me that it was a huge deal.

"Ok, so where is it?" I shook my head at her, confused as to why she is acting this way.

If only I had known that this was only the beginning of the storm

She handed me a neatly folded parcel with a large Crest on it that says 'Salvatore.'

Who the hell is that?

"Who is if from?" I held it up and looked at my mom, she seemed to be oddly nervous with this letter. What is she hiding?

"Maybe you shouldn't read it, you never know w-" "Are you keeping something from me mother?"

All the color drained from her face while I narrowed my eyes at her. This must be something mind blowing if she's this scared.

I looked back down at the letter, feeling everyone's uneasy gazes on me. Once I ripped it open the seal I saw a long note written in Italian.

Well good thing I'm the only one who can understand it. Just to put my mom on edge I began to read it out loud, only Blaise would know what this letter says.


Dear Chantel,
I'm afraid I have some rather disappointing news for you. You see, 19 years ago I was the happiest man alive when I found out the love of my life was pregnant. I couldn't wait to meet you, to love you unconditionally. And that's what I did for the first few years of your life. You meant everything to me that was until I found out your mother's dirty Little secret. That completely changed everything, I'm sorry to tell you that she has been lying to you your whole life. This lie that broke us apart and had caused me to leave. I'm sorry you never got to meet him, but I hope that you've met your brother, even if you didn't know it yet.
I wish you the best,
Daniel Salvatore.

Blaise had stood there wide-eyed, completely confused on what just happened.

Draco, Pansy, Luna and Theo have been shifting their focus for me to him, waiting for any information.

"What secret have you been keeping mother?" I spat and blank the way the tears of betrayal, I refuse to let her see me cry.

My chest had started to feel tighter, my lungs taking in less oxygen. "I" she choked out, her eyes glistening with tears as her bottom lip quivered.

I have now been desperately inhaling, having a room full of oxygen, but still somehow unable to breathe. The same questions pop throughout my mind.

Who is he? And what brother? Why isn't he here, with me?

I felt Draco place his arms around me, his strong comforting sent invading my nostrils. "Just breathe with me love."

I nodded and focused on his chest rising and falling on my back. I slowly copied his movements, instantly feeling lighter, but the feeling of betrayal still heavy in my heart.

"I can't" I said and crumpled the letter. "When you're going to quit being a liar and tell me the truth then come and talk to me, but until then stay away from me."

I spat and disgust, "Let's go guys" I mumble defeated, and we all walked out of the kitchen, leaving my mom a sobbing mess on the floor.

A/N: I am so sorry for not posting in a while! I was having a bit of writers block and I was trying to figure out some new drama for the story. Get ready, we're in for a wild ride!

Also thank you so much for 6k reads!! I very much appreciate all you baddies interacting with my story 😘

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