~ The Truth ~

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We got a lot of dialogue in here. Be warned.

"Would you like some tea or scones dears?" Narcissa walked into the dining room with a tray full of sweets.

My mouth watered at the sight of all the delicious snacks.

Yes please.

“I would love some Mrs- Narcissa.” She smiled proudly, happy that someone wanted her treats.

The first bite was like falling into heaven. It cured the nausea that is constantly around all the time.

No matter what I try it doesn’t seem to go away, but this worked. I’ve been taking the medicine that I was supposed to, and it helped me not feel deathly sick, but I always had the urge to throw up at all times.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of my stomach being settled, these were my saving grace.

Thank you mama Malfoy.

I was already halfway through with my second scone when I realized everyone’s gaze was on me in amusement.

“Sorry,” I cleared my throat as I swallowed the last bit. “I’m a bit hungry.”

Draco’s parents laughed it off, but not in the way where they were insulting me. I felt safe, and not judged.

“Well I’m glad someone here likes them, Lucius refuses to eat them and Draco prefers strawberry tarts. It’s nice to have another scone lover here.” She smiles as she takes a bite out of her own.

Draco places a hand on my thigh and gives it a squeeze of encouragement. “Go ahead, amour, eat all the scones that your belly desires, it’s alright.”

I bit my lip with a blush and happily nodded. He didn’t have to tell me twice. Plus Matthew really likes these scones.

I reach for another while while Mr. Malfoy decides it was time to break the tense silence. “I was never really fond of your father- either one of them. Daniel was a coward, a poor excuse of a wizard.”

He scoffs, “Your mother was a very close friend of ours, we graduated together.” I looked at Narcissa to see her nodding with a sad smile.

“She was our best friend. She was always fond of James, ever since we were small. In 6th year they had become friends, Alice was so happy that they were close. Narcissa and I knew that it wouldn’t end well, she would get hurt.

"She didn’t want to listen to us when we tried to warn her. At the time he had feelings for Lily and your mother knew it. She tried to ignore it, forget that it was true.

"It wasn’t till 7th year where he officially announced that him and Lily had been dating since 6th year. He had been stringing them both along for so long. Alice was devastated, she wouldn’t leave her room unless it was to go to class. She wouldn’t speak to any of us.

"We hadn’t known it at the time, but some time during that year James and Alice had slept together. She said that he confessed his love for her, that they would be together soon.

"She was ridden with guilt for being with a taken man, if she knew he was officially dating Lily she would have never been with him.”

He sighed, lost in the memory. “A few weeks later Lily announced that she was pregnant, Alice found out she was pregnant with you only a few days after that. She didn’t want to tell James, she figured that he was happy with his soon to be family, and she didn’t want to ruin that.

"She met Daniel at a party, they had a short fling, and that’s where she took the chance and told him that you were his. After graduation you and Harry were born, and everyone could tell that you didn’t look like Daniel or Alice. You looked like James, no one said anything about it.

" He knew it all along, and he was angry. Father of the year award goes to him.”

Draco smirked, “You’re one to talk.”

Mr. Malfoy rubbed the back of his neck, “Yes well I’m trying to change that. I am truly sorry for my actions. Now, as I was saying. Daniel eventually left, you were fairly young, this was a few years after James and Lily passed.

"Your mother took it the worst, he was the love of her life, the father of her child. She tried to stay strong for your sake, but eventually it became too much. She started drinking, we heard she had another child, she’s around 9 or 10 by now.

"And we haven’t spoken to her since they died. We knew things had gotten really bad at home, you were being neglected. So we decided to take you in with us for a while. You stayed with us until you were 8, then you went to live with your grandmother. You and Draco grew up together, you were extremely close. That’s when we knew you two were destined to be together.”

I couldn’t comprehend all this information. Was my parents' relationship really that complicated?

Daniel, the man that I had always thought was my father but wasn’t, really wasn’t the cause for her to drink?

It was James, my real dad.

His death was the reason. Draco and I had known each other since we were practically babies? This was too much.

“Now look at what you’ve done, you overwhelmed her!” Draco scolded, “You can’t just throw all of that at her at once.”

He lifted me carefully and placed my silent figure onto his lap. “No,” I closed my eyes, “I’m fine, it’s just really nice to hear the full truth for once. I knew it had to have been complicated for everyone to have hidden it from me.”

I smiled at Draco, “Besides, we’ve known each other since we were babies. How cute is that?” He grins and rubs the inside of his palm against my cheek. “We can go home if you want, this must be a lot to take in. And yes, darling, I know that we’ve known each other for a long time. I was wondering if you were going to remember.” He trails off sadly.

What’s that supposed to mean?

“I’ll tell you when we get home, okay? It’s sort of a long story.” I nodded, “But how did you know?"

He pointed at the walls that was full of pictures, “It’s kind of hard not to when there are pictures of us all around my house.”

My brows furrowed, I noticed those pictures walking in, but I didn’t think it was me.

Why don’t I remember any of this?

The whole time I didn’t realize that Draco’s parents had left the room.

“You hated me when we were younger, if we were apparently so close, why were you so mean?”

His eyes filled with sadness and regret, “I didn’t hate you.” He mumbles, pulling me impossibly close to him. “I never did, I was just so mad at you for leaving me. Even if you had no choice.”

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