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Thank you all so much for 11k reads!!! I appreciate every single one of you. Have a good day lovelies 😘


When we made it back to our dorm I went straight to the room that was locked last month. When I opened it I was shocked.

There was a medium sized bedroom with a full size bed and one corner. There was a large basket filled with all different kinds of things.

Toys, books, puzzles. Anything you can think of for a kid. There were two gray dressers on either side of what I'm assuming was a closet, and on the other side of the room was another door. The bathroom?

It's perfect for Matthew.

I watched as he came in and smiled widely at all of the toys and books. He was very interested in literature, books that should be very complicated for him, yet he gets it.

He's a genius, just like his dad.

I slowly trudged my way to Draco and I's room and flopped onto the bed. My head once again swarming with thoughts.

"I Think it's time you go talk to him"

What am I supposed to say to him? 'Hey harry, even though you and your friends have been assholes I'm letting you know that you're my little brother.'

He'll probably look at me like I have seven heads. I groaned in frustration and Draco came from the bathroom and laid beside me.

"What's the matter love?" "Harry" was all I said and he scoffed. "What do you want with that wanker?"

I turned to face him, "I have to talk to him at some point, Draco, I can't just avoid him forever."

He sighed in defeat and shifted me so that my head was laying in his bare chest. His steady heartbeat always seems to comfort me, no matter what.

"Don't worry, darling, tomorrow you can talk to him if you want." I moved so that our legs were fully tangled together.

"I'll go with you if you'd like, and if he wants to be a little bitch and say something then I'll handle it."

He lifted my chin and gazed into my eyes, "I don't want you to get too worked up over it. I know he's your brother, but sometimes family doesn't work out how we hoped it would."

He said sadly while offering me a small smile that I know was fake. Everyone knew that he didn't have the best family, but I never pushed him to tell me anything. He would do it when he was ready.

Last night Draco and I had a movie night with Matthew. Draco didn't get the point of a tv at first, but once we started the movie he was amazed. He said that he wanted us to get a tv when we get out home.

I decided that I would talk to Harry at breakfast before class. Draco is right, if he doesn't care then I don't need him in my life.

Once we made it to the Great Hall after dropping Matthew off at the kids classroom. I told Draco to go to the table so that I could talk to Harry in private. "You'll do great" he kissed me on the cheek and walked away, leaving me alone and nervous as fuck.

Even though he's been an ass it would still be nice to have a relationship with my brother. He is the only thing I have left that's tied to my dad.

I took a deep breath and trudged my way to the Gryffindor table, once I was close enough Hermione spotted me and nudged Harry's shoulder. They all stopped whatever they were doing and silently sat there, shooting daggers at me.

"We need to talk" I rushed out, internally panicking. What do I say? Will he believe me? Will he care?

Probably not.

I know that what they had done to me and how they treated me was wrong, but honestly how many times can I act hurt over it. That was over 2 months ago, yeah they are assholes but I can't keep whining over the past.

He looked at me with a blank expression, I felt all eyes on me around the Great Hall, that only made me feel ten times worse. I hate all the attention.

"Why would I do that?" He scoffed and looked back towards his friends, dismissing my presence. I threw my head back slightly and bit my tongue, controlling the pent up rage that I feel towards this entitled prat.

"Well if you come with me then I can tell you." I spat, "Then once you decide how you feel I will leave you alone forever if you want."

He looked taken back by my tone, I always was a quiet soft-spoken girl. Never talking back, always being nice.

Well being nice had gotten me walked on and beaten up. I'm done being nice.

He got up and ignored the protests from Ron, Ginny and Hermione. I followed him to an empty corridor and watched as he leaned against a wall looking at me impatiently.

"What do you want Chantel?" I sighed feeling the nerves get to me again, I was slightly hurt by the way he's acting towards me. But then again, what do I expect from the "Chosen one"?

"Well I- uh.. I have something to say and you probably won't believe me- hell I couldn't believe it myself but-" "Just spit it out already" he rolled his eyes.

"I'm your sister!" I blurted out while he looked at me for a second before laughing hysterically. "Are you taking something?" He scoffed, "You are not my sister. Are you really that pathetic to try and say that?"

I bit my lip and rapidly blinked, now is not the time to cry. "I have proof" I said while pulling out the letters my dad wrote along with the picture.

"Read these" be glared at me while snatching them out of my hand. I'm extremely grateful that Draco insisted on casting a protection charm on them. If Harry had damaged them I really don't know what I would do.

After a few minutes of awkward silence he finally spoke up. "Where did you get these" he fumed while glancing back and forth at the letters and picture.

"Well my mom gave them to me, she said that my- our dad had saved them for me." I trailed off, what is he thinking?

He handed me them back with shaky hands, he retreated them back and ran them through his hair. Almost pulling the strands out of his scalp.

I could practically hear the gears turning in his head. "I need to go" he walked and I felt my heart crumble. "Chantel?" He stopped and turned back to me with a pained expression.

"Yes Harry?" I looked up at him, somehow holding onto a small amount of hope.

"I'm sorry but I need time. I'll let you know what I decide soon."

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