~ Defensive ~

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"So they took my memories?"

Draco nodded, "I'm sorry that we never told you, and I'm sorry that we had to erase your memories. We didn't know for sure if Voldemort would know about you, and we didn't want to take any risks. I can see if father can restore them. I think he has them in a vial somewhere in his office."


I don't want them back. I'm happy the way things are, the way we are. As long as I know the truth, then I'm percectly happy.

"What do you mean no? You don't want them back?"

I laid my head on his chest, the sound of his steady heartbeat brought my exhausted body into a state of peace. "I like the way things are now. Having memories from when I was a kid won't benefit anything now. I have new memories with you, you can tell me all about the crazy stuff we used to do."

That's how we finished our night, him going into great detail about all the adventures we went on. Some were good, most were bad.

I couldn't help but to fall asleep with a smile on my face, I'm marrying my soulmate.

4 Months later:

My pregnancy has been so much better, Narcissa's cookies have been a lifesaver. They have been my biggest craving ever since I had them for the first time.

A lot of times I have Draco go and get me some in the middle of he night, which makes me feel really bad, and I apologize a million times. Every time Draco assures me that it's alright, and that he understands the cravings aren't my fault.

I'm really grateful for that when moments like this happen.

It's currently 4:07 am and he just got back from getting me cookies. I think he's more willing to do it for me because he knows that it helps with my intense nausea.

He enters the room looking extremely tired and disheveled, but none the less, he hands me the bag with a sleepy smile. "Here, love" he lays back in bed, covering his entire body with the blankets.

"Thank you so much, baby. I really do appreciate it, and I'm really sorry that you had to wake up so early. I love you" I remove the blanket from his head to place a kiss on his cheek.

"S'okay," he mumbles, "Love you too." He says nothing else, soon I hear soft snores coming from his parted lips while I continued to eat my cookies.

It feels like time has flowm by, I was almost 7 months pregnant. Draco and I were getting married in a week! We decided to do it in the beginning of June, on the second, so that we could spend Dray's birthday during our honeymoon.

He's turning 19, I follow soon after, it's crazy how fast we're going. We're already getting married and having kids, not that we had a say, but we're also not complaining either. There would be no point in delaying the inevitable. And besides, with the way we go at it, we would have had a baby in no time.

We have been visiting his parents at least twice a month, which makes Narcissa very happy. I've arranged for Eysis to come and spend the week with us, she'll go home after the wedding.

I wasn't really sure what to do about my mom. Should I invite her? Does she deserve to be at my wedding? I know we're trying to fix our relationship, but I can't help but to be so angry with her. Now that I know everything, all of the things she kept from me. How can I forgive that so easily?

But at the same time I do want her there, she is my mom after all.

Eysis is arriving in a few hours, we turned Matthew's room into her temporary room. I was exited to finally spend time with her! The last time I saw her was over the holidays, which was 5 months ago.

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