~ Pictures ~

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"This is Draco taking his first bath." I giggled looking at baby Draco in the tub. His hair, or what little hair he had, was wet and clinging to random parts of his head. He had a toothless grin staring at the camera. He looked happy, or as happy as a baby could be.

Draco and Lucius were across from us playing wizard chess, their bickering about what move is better, going unnoticed by us.

"This one is my favorite," she cracks up, handing me the next picture. "Oh my merlin!" I choke on laughter, making Draco look up at me in fear. "Oh no, mum! What did you show her?" I steady myself in my seat, showing him the picture with a big grin.

Narcissa said that he was potty training at the time. Draco had his underwear on his head, which were designed with golden snitches. He was turned away from the camera, meaning that his bare butt was on display.

His eyes widened in horror as we all laughed at him. Even Lucius joined in. "Mum!" he whined like a little child who didn't get their way. "You weren't supposed to show her those."

"Oh you mean the one where you're drooling at her?" He flushed red and shook his head, "I did no such thing, I don't know what you're talking about." He did in fact know what we were talking about. And I did too.

"What picture?" I furrow my brows in mock confusion. He sighs in relief and waves his hand around, "Don't worry about it, I think she's gotten them mixed up." I nod my head in agreement, pretending to take what he said seriously.

Draco's a little liar.

I continued to look at pictures of Draco and I when we were kids. So I really did stay here when I was younger. Not that I didn't believe them in the first place, but it's hard to actually listen to it when you didn't have proof, not even memories.

Why didn't I remember? It feels a little more real now that I can actually see it for myself. Why did I leave? Why couldn't I have stayed?

Narcissa and I went through all of the pictures of Draco until there was a point where he didn't want to take them anymore. Apparently he said that it wasn't cool and if anyone from school heard about it, he would run away. So childish. That was when he was around 14.

I loved seeing all the pictures, but they made me sad why I couldn't remember this important part of my life, but Draco did. How many more important things happened in my life that I can't remember? Would things with Draco and I have gone differently if I never left? Even if I did remember, would he still bully me?

"Alright," Narcissa clapped, "Time for the letters!" Draco groaned while sitting beside me. "How about we go home now, love?"

"Nope" I shook my head, "I would love to hear all that you said about me, Dray, so suck it up." He made a sound of disapproval before laying his head on my lap and stretching across the sofa.

"Mum" she cleared her throat. "She's so beautiful. She's prettier than I imagined her to be. Is she really the girl from the pictures? She's hanging out with Harry now. She was sorted into Gryffindor with them. Why does father want me to call the redheads blood traitors, again? And the muggle borns mudbloods. That doesn't seem very nice. Anyways, I got sorted into Slytherin like you and father did! I'll see you at Christmas, love you. P.S Tell Dobby that I love him too."

My heart clenched at how cute Draco sounded. He truly never wanted to be mean to anyone. I realized that when I got to know him, he was nothing like the "Slytherin Prince" that he pretended to be. To know that he was forced into being the way he was for years was sad.

"That was the first day of first year." She grabbed another letter. "This one is my favorite one, he wrote it in 4th year." She gave him a knowing look, while he was too busy burying his face into my neck in embarrassment.

"Mum, I feel horrible. I was so mean to her. Why does it have to be this way? I don't want to see the disgust and anger in her face everytime she looks at me. Why won't she remember? She hates me and I love her. I want to be with her, I want to take her on dates. I want to marry her, Mum. How do you know when you're in love? Everytime I see her I get this weird feeling in my stomach, and when she smiles it's like the whole world lights up, nothing else matters. I want to see her happy, and everytime I'm around she looks sad, I made her sad. And I hate myself for it. I hate seeing her with Harry Potter. What if they fall in love? I can't bear to see her with someone else. How do I make her forgive me? Surly father won't mind me being nice to her. She'd be the only Gryffindor that I'm nice to. I know he misses her too, we all do. Why can't she come back to us? She gets more beautiful every day. How do I fix this, Mum?"

"Aww" I sniffled, "Draco you really wrote that?" He nodded, not daring to look up at me. "That's the sweetest thing ever, you really felt that way? Aww." I couldn't help but smile, he was such a teddy bear. He's my teddy bear.

"Don't be embarrassed, Dray, I think it's amazing. You shouldn't be embarrassed about how you feel. I think it makes you 10 times more manly." I joked, he replied with a snort and a quiet laugh.

"There's a picture that goes with the letter." Narcissa interrupted. She handed it to me, and I inspected it. I remembered this day exactly, it was in 4th year, the yule ball to be exact. I didn't have a date, so I was with Alissa. I was wearing a plain black silk dress,  I didn't know how to put on makeup, and I still don't, so I wore some lipgloss and mascara. My hair was flowing onto my shoulders, it was the longest it had ever been.

I was having a really good time, other than the fact that Draco was dancing with Pansy, who I thought was trying to date him. I was so jealous and hurt, when I had absolutely no reason to be. Him and I weren't together. He showed no interest in me, he was always with a girl, it shouldn't have been so upsetting.

On the inside I was really upset, but I tried my hardest to not let that have a big affect on me. I had no idea that this happened, though. It was Draco, he was staring at me as if I was the only girl in the room. He wasn't even paying attention to what Pansy said, by the looks of it. He looked at me like I was the brightest star in the sky. He sure does make me feel that way. I wonder who took that photo. My guess would have been Colin Creevey, he always managed to get pictures of everyone without them noticing.

"I like this one, we should hang it up somewhere." Draco nodded his head, pointing to the picture. "I agree," I hummed, this one was definitely something else. "I love you, Draco." He placed a kiss on my hand, "I love you mon amour. More than anything. Sorry Mum." 

When Worlds Collide ~EDITING~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt