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"I would love to," I blushed and slowly grabbed his outstretched hand. Tingles erupted from his touch and sent a jolt of electricity through my veins. He lead me to the table and pulled out the chair for me.

"Such a gentleman" I grinned at him while he returned his famous Malfoy smirk. "Only the best for you mon amour"

"So this was the big surprise hmm?" I peered up at him after swallowing my food. He chose my favorite, chicken pesto pasta. I know, basic, but I really like it.

"Sort of" he took a sip of his drink, trying to hide his smile. I wasn't fooled, "Why are you acting so odd?" He cleared his throat and adjusted his posture.

He's definitely hiding something.

"I'm not acting odd, you're just really beautiful and I'm nervous." He looked down. Awwwe. He's nervous, that's the cutest thing ever.

"Why are you nervous, Dray? You don't have any reason to be." I grabbed his hand and started playing with his rings, I've come to learn that playing with his rings calms him down most of the time. He took a deep breath and focused on our hands, "I just have a surprise for you later and I don't know how you will like it."

He looked up at me with a slight blush on his cheeks. I love it when he blushes. "Don't worry, mi amor, I'm sure that I'll love it no matter what you give me, because it's from you." He smiled and looked down at his empty plate. "Are you ready for dessert?" "Hell yeah!" I cheered.

When am I not?

He chuckled, and with a flick of his wand, a covered plate replaced my empty one. "Where's yours?" I frowned when he didn't get a plate. "Just eat yours, love, I'm alright." He smiled and nodded towards my plate. I took off the cover and was confused as to why there was a key there instead of my dessert.

"What's this?" I mumble while picking up the small gold key. "Well that is - uh- part of the surprise." He anxiously rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay.. what's it for exactly?" I furrowed my brows, what is he getting at?

He pushed his chair back and stood up, "Well come with me and you'll find out" I stood up abruptly and tripped over my food, causing me to fall into his arms. "Falling for me already?" I rolled my eyes and stood back up. "Shut up" I grumbled.

"Ready darling?" I nodded and held on tight to him, I've always hated the feeling of apparating. Being sucked into a tight space, while having your limbs twisted in a million directions is not exactly my thing.

Once we landed I gulped and closed my eyes, begging myself to not throw up. After I took a few deep breaths and calmed my rapidly beating heart, I felt Draco's cool hand rubbing against my burning cheek.

"Open your eyes baby" he whispered. The crickets were making noise all around us, letting me know that we were outside. I thought we would be inside somewhere. I leaned my face closer to his touch and opened my eyes, he was already looking at me intently, studying my features as if he had never seen me before. His eyes lingering on my lips longer than any other place, I too had set my gaze lower.

I subconsciously bit my lip, eliciting a groan from him, "Fuck, baby, don't do that." He used his thumb to release my lip from between my teeth. He pulled it as far down as it could go before releasing it, and watching it bounce back to it's position.

Before I could say anything his lips were on mine, the force made me stumble back, but he grabbed my hips to keep my balance. He pulled me in as close as we could possibly be, the warmth from his body radiating onto me, making me feel extremely hot and dazed.

His tongue traced the outside of my lip, telling me to let him in. When I didn't, he brought his hand to my boob, and started kneading it through the thin fabric of my dress. I moaned into mouth and he took that as his chance to force his tongue in.

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