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The rest of the day I sat in my room with Hermione. She was shocked that I got paired with Draco but once I told her how he has been towards me this year she calmed down a bit.

The next morning I got into my regular uniform after my shower. I sprayed on my perfume and did my hair.

I walked into the Great Hall with Luna, I bumped into her in the way and we started talking. I asked her how she feels about marrying Theodore and she told me that she doesn't really mind because he is actually pretty nice and they have a lot in common.

She also told me that he thinks that nargles are funny and that made her feel some type of way because she most certainly doesn't think that nargles are funny.

Over the years she said that the nargles are always bothering her and she doesn't like it.

I've always liked Luna, she is so optimistic and she knows how to make anyone smile. When Alissa died, Luna was there and she helped me grieve.


I had pretty dark time and I did some really bad things to my body but Luna was there and she didn't judge me for it. She made me feel safe and she helped me stop doing those bad things to my body.

I haven't hurt myself in a while but I still have the scars to remind myself of what I went through. I usually try to hide them by wearing long sleeves or sweaters because I'm embarrassed of them, no one knew I did that except Luna

I hugged her and we parted ways, I went to sit with my friends at my table.

"Hey guys," I cheerfully greeted. I don't know why but today I feel really happy for once. Maybe this marriage thing will be good for me.

"Hey Ellie! We are thinking that we should all hang out sometime. Y'know with our fiancé's." Ginny said.

Really, they would want to hang out with Draco? "You guys would want to hang out with Draco?"

They shrugged their shoulders, "Why not. He seems like he is trying to change, and I figured that we might as well get used to him now because we are going to be seeing him more." Harry gave me a slight smile.

"Yea," Ron interjected, swallowing the last bit of his food. "Did you know that he was the one to help you when you erm, you know." He didn't really know how to say it and I could tell he didn't want to make me upset.

Did Draco really help me? Merlin, he really is something different than he used to be.

Never in 7 years did I think that my crush who bullied me all the time would actually help me and be nice to me.

I tried to suppress the smile that was coming on my face but they noticed. "Awww is my little Elliekins in love?" Ron cooed. "Shut up," I grumbled, smacking Ron in the back of the head.

We all bursted out into laughter and at that point I had a feeling that this was gonna be a great year.

I looked over at the Slytherin table to see that Draco was already looking at me with a cute grin on his face.

He's so handsome.

I waved to him with a smile and he winked at me. I blushed and looked down at my fruit.

"Aww you really do like him."Hermione said to me, while nudging me in my shoulders. Ron and Harry were too busy throwing blueberries at each other to notice our interaction.

"Yea," I sighed looking up at her. "I think I do, but you know I've always had a crush in him, I just didn't think anything would happen. I never knew I would be getting married to him for bloody sake."

When Worlds Collide ~EDITING~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum