~She Saved Me~

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Ever since I told Draco the news he has been clingier than ever. And I mean he won't even let me take a shower alone clingy.

I'm not complaining, but it can be a little overbearing sometimes. I know he has good intentions, and he's just exited, I guess that's why I'm not too annoyed about it. 

Today we had to go in for my first ultrasound. I had to make sure to pick up some more potions from Madam Pomfrey.

"Draco!" I whined, he had been taking forever in the shower. "We have to go."

I heard him huff and then a crashing sound came from the bedroom. "What is going on in there?" I held back a laugh at the sight of Draco stumbling over a huge pile of baby things. 

He went a little overboard with the shopping. 

"There is not enough space in this broom closet of a room." He whined while storming out of the room, I trailed behind him smiling. "I told you that you should have waited a little while, Draco, we still have a long ways to go before he gets here."

"But they had a lot of good stuff and I didn't want anyone to get their dirty hands on my baby's stuff. So I made sure to get there first." He puffed out his chest and held a proudly. 

I didn't have the heart to burst his bubble so I offered him a smile. "And you did a good job baby." 

The walk to the hospital wing was silent and buzzing with excitement. I could feel it radiating off of Draco in strong waves that resulted in me feeling giddy like him. 

We got a lot of stares in the halls, the news of our pregnancy spread throughout all of the school. We were the center of attention, much to my disappointment. 

Draco, on the other hand, was extremely pleased with himself. He would grin from ear to ear when he heard someone mention it and would often reply with "i sure as hell got her pregnant, and I can't wait to do it again!"

Everyone always casts a glance at my belly before looking at me, just to see if I'm showing yet. 

I was pleased to see that Draco was really happy. I know he's had a rough few years. With the whole death eater thing, his father, even him not being able to see his mother. 

I know they have been frequently writing, she says she would like to see me again. I don't really remember meeting her before. 

I know I met Lucius, back when he was a rich stuck-up pureblood supremacist. I guess now he's changing for the better. 

I think it was in second year, when I met him. It was as if he already knew who I was- but not as a Jameson, as a Jacinta. I have no clue how he found out, but I made sure to steer clear from him until now. 

Draco and I are going over there this weekend to pay Mr and Mrs Malfoy a visit. He missed his family a lot, and I wanted him to go see them. He's rebuilding his relationship with his dad, and I'm proud of him. 

"I can't wait to see him." Draco grinned from ear to ear. I placed a loving hand on my still slim belly, "Me too, I want my little baby."

Draco let out a little 'hmmph', his face falling into a small pout. What's the matter with him?

"What happened?" He turned his head away stubbornly. "I thought I was your baby." My mouth fell open in shock, and I couldn't help but to release a little snort at him. 

"Yes, Dray." I rolled my eyes playfully and placed a kiss on his red cheek. "You are my baby , but Matthew is my baby boy, it's two different things."

He thought about it for a second, before nodding his head being okay with the difference. 

We walked into the infirmary, his pout completely gone and replaced with excitement.

I swear he's like a little kid sometimes.

"Good morning Madam Pomfrey." Draco and I chorus, not holding the huge smiles on our faces.

I took a seat on the bed she had set up for me while she continued to organize the tools.

"Good morning dears, congratulations on the pregnancy! I have to say I was shocked to hear that you pregnant so soon."

She continued to fix the items that I noticed were muggle pregnancy machines.

"But I am very happy for you too, I saw how great the two of you made as parents. This will be a good step for you."

She grabbed a long tool that sort of resembled a dildo. It was quite intimidating to look at.

She put on the gel with a grimace, "I'm afraid this is going to have to penetrate you. Since you are very early in your pregnancy we might not get the best results with a regular ultrasound."

She looked between Draco and I, "Is that alright?"

I peeled and looked at Draco in horror, he too had a similar expression.

"You're going to put that inside her?" He pointed at the object.

She sheepishly nodded, "only this one time and then we can continue with the regular ultrasound."

He inspected it from a far before I smirk plastered is lips. "You've had bigger." He whispered.

Madam Pomfrey turned around in confusion, "Did you say something dear?"

He famed innocence before smiling sweetly, "My apologies. I was thinking out loud."

He gave me a cheeky wink while I covered my face in embarrassment. I guess he's got a point- but how could he say that? Especially in front of her. She's known us since we were kids.

She squirted more lubricant on the tip and I could hear what Draco was thinking.

'Just let me have a go and you won't need the lube.'

I glared at him- daring him to say anything. Thankfully he got the message and kept quiet.

She started the exam and I was humiliated. I swear if he gets turned on from this I will kill him.

It was cold and it jammed into me in all the wrong places.

Draco watched the screen in fascination, his mouth hanging open. "That's what the inside of her looks like?"

I stopped and turned my head away, I could not deal with this right now.

Merlin please save me.

"Yes Draco" she continued to probe "and from the looks of it she's around five weeks."

She looked for a few more seconds, "Still very early, so her due date should be sometime in mid-august."

She began to clean up all of her things while I was sent to the bathroom to clean up.

Once I was done I went to go back into the main room to leave, I needed a warm bath.

"She's truly made me the happiest I have ever been." Draco said, "I don't know what I would do without her. She saved me."

"I'm glad to hear that Mr. Malfoy. She's a good girl she always has been. She deserves the world. Just don't hurt her, that poor girl has been through enough pain."

"I won't."

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