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They stared blankly at me.

"What are you talking about darling?" Draco furrowed his brows.

"Well I am planning on going to Greece this friday to see my sister and mom, and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come."

"Fuck yea!" Pansy exclaimed, I chuckled and looked towards the rest of them.

"What about the babies?" Theo asked, "Well I would have to talk to McGonagall about leaving and try to see if we can continue the project there. Hopefully she will understand."

I started playing around with the food on my plate, do they not want to go with me? Is that why they are making excuses about everything?

"Are you sure love?" Draco lent down to whisper in my ear. I know what he is referring to, he's worried about me seeing my mom again.

I smiled at him and gave him a slight nod, "Yea, she says that she has changed. And I want to believe in her, I think she can do it."

He smiled back at me, "Well if that's what you want then I'll go wherever you go."

He bent down and kissed me on the cheek, this man never fails to surprise me.

"So you guys in?" I asked them, "Where will we stay?" Luna asked.

I rolled my eyes, "In my manor duh." They still continued to look at me, what is it with them just looking at me today?

I sighed, "I may not be as rich as you guys here in England, but in Greece I'm richer than all of you guys combined."

I smirked at their open mouthed faces, "Yes, we're in" Luna smiled while Theo kissed her cheek.

"Well if Pansy is going then I am going too." Blaise said while looking at her as if she was the only girl in the world.

They are so cute.

"Great!" I clapped and stood up, "Well I'm going to talk to McGonagall now I'll see you guys in class."

I kissed Draco and waddled away towards her office.

That's all the girls do now, waddle around. It makes sense seeing as we are all around 7 or 8 months pregnant, which is crazy because it's only been a few weeks.

When I made it to her door, I said the password and slowly made my way in.

There were many portraits of previous headmasters. One straight ahead caught my eye, it was Dumbledore.

I smile at him, remembering all the good things he has done in his life. He made Hogwarts my favorite place in the world.

"What can I do for you Miss Jamson?" Mcgonnagall's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Oh." I sighed while clutching my chest over my rapid beating heart.

"Sorry to bother you professor, but I have a family issue that I need to discuss with you."

She nodded and gestured for me to sit across from her at her large mahogany desk.

"What's the matter?" She looked at me concerned, she has always been one of my favorite professors. We had a close bond.

"Uhhm well my mother has recently told me that she stopped drinking, and that she's going back to Greece for a month to see my sister."

I paused, looking at her expression shift from worried to happy.

"And I was wondering if Draco, Blaise, Luna, Theo and I could go to Greece and visit my family as well?"

I took a deep breath, waiting to hear her tell me no. "Of course we would do the baby project there, but I haven't seen my family in a long time a-"

"yes Miss Jameson, it's completely fine." She smiled at me, "I understand, you don't have to explain, and working on your project there is fine as well. When are you planning to go?"

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