~ BABY ~

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I woke up and my body was in so much pain.

Everything hurt, but I didn't care. I didn't feel.

I realized that there were 2 strong protective arms wrapped around me. I knew it was Draco.

I slowly sat up and he just watched me. I was in an oversized jumper that definitely wasn't mine, it smelled of mint and Draco's cologne.

I remembered everything that happened yesterday; frowning, I slowly pulled up the sleeves waiting to be met with the scars that remind me of how weak I am.

This time I couldn't see the marks that I had previously engraved into my flesh. There were large white wrappings around them.

I ignored the saddened look I was receiving from Draco, I just stared off at the bandages.

"Chantel," I felt the bed shift.

"Hmm," I hummed, not really paying attention. I could tell he was trying to tread lightly with what he was going to say even though he had no idea what to say.

"Why?" He asked, sitting next to me.

I sighed, "It should have been me. She was right." I whispered, not managing to meet his eye contact.

He took a deep breath and grabbed my hand. I hate to admit it but his touch made me feel a little calmer already.

"No it shouldn't have been you." He paused and kneeled in front of me when he realized I wasn't listening to what he had to say.

"Don't listen to what that mudblood said, you deserve to live. You are one of the strongest women alive, don't let her bring you down because she is insecure about herself. You deserve to live, Ellie, don't let her or anyone else tell you differently."

By now the tears that were trying to not fall out, had broken the surface and were falling down my face.

"I can't," I sobbed.

"You can't what baby?" He lifted my chin to look at him. 

"I- I can't live or be happy when I am the reason sh- she's gone. I don't deserve it. I'm not good enough. I'm ugly, and f- fat, I'm weak."

I was breaking down into his chest, his arms were wrapped around my frail body.

"Baby no." He pulled me closer to him onto his lap. And our foreheads were touching.

"Don't ever say it should be you, her death wasn't your fault. You didn't tell Bellatrix to shoot the curse at you, and you most certainly didn't tell Alissa to step in front of you. She did it because she wanted you to be happy. To live. Wouldn't you have done the same thing for her?"

I nodded.

"And you wouldn't want her to feel the way you do now right?"

I nodded once again.

"Exactly, so don't listen to Granger or the others. They don't know what they are talking about, they are just making assumptions. They're arseholes, you don't need them. But I need you."

He whispered the last part while our eyes were closed. I felt my heart glow, maybe he really does care about me.

I smiled faintly and scooted myself even closer, if that was possible. I rested my face into the base of his neck, where his shoulders meet.

I inhaled the scent that I have grown to love over the years.

I haven't told anyone, but I smelled him in my amortentia in 6th year.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled against his neck. I don't know what I did yesterday would cause so much impact. I didn't even think I would be here today to see the result of my actions, but I'm glad that he saved me.

"Don't be sorry, just please don't ever do that again." He stopped and took a deep breath. "If it ever gets too hard, then come talk to me. I'll be here all the time for you. I will never judge you, just don't result in hurting yourself. You might not think so, but there are so many people that would miss you if you left us."

"Thank you."

That day, we stayed in bed. In each other's embrace, no words were spoken but the silence said everything we needed to know.

There was a change in our relationship. It was stronger, we had each other and that was all we needed.

A/N: I know their relationship is kinda moving fast but I feel like it would be boring if I make you wait too long.

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