40. like milk and honey.

En başından başla

He groans in defeat, "Fine. I'll take it easier but that's it."

"Let me drive you home at least?"

"I guess." He gestures towards his pocket.

I toss my hair over my shoulder before reaching for the keys in his pocket. I help him inside the passenger seat and start the car. Rain now pouring down like pellets on the roof.

"Doctors first."

He holds his side, leaning in pain. "No doctors Opal!" He yells.

"Why not?"

"Because I said no."

"I'm going to need a better answer than that." I tell him.

"Pull over."

I do as he says, pulling into a dirt patch, placing the car in park. He huffs loudly, "I don't like the doctors."

"Nobody likes the doctors, but it's worth going to get better."

He keeps his eyes away from me, taking a heavy breath. "Opal." He mumbles softly, a tear straying from his eye. I take his hand into mine, squeezing it tightly. "I don't like the doctors because the first time my dad... molested me."

"Oh Koa-"

"It all started when I turned eight." He takes a deep breath, a tear shedding down his olive skin, he looks away from me, trying to hide the fact he's crying.

"It's okay Koa, you don't need to tell your story, there's too much pain there."

He shakes his head violently, "No, I'm going to tell you." He pauses, intertwining his fingers with mine, "It was late at night, I couldn't sleep, I was having nightmares. I heard my fathers foot steps down the hall, the door squeaking as he opened it, closing the door so no one would hear. He laid next to me and I had asked him why he was here. He was.. touching me, it felt wrong and uncomfortable, like it shouldn't be happening. So I asked him what he was doing, but he just kept telling me it's okay."

He wipes his tears with the palm of his hand. "I remember it so clearly and vividly. Every night it replays in my head, like it's happening again. I knew what he was doing wasn't right but I couldn't stop him from doing anything I was just a little kid. And every time he's done it as I've gotten older I've just let him, I feel powerless like I did when I was eight. My body just freezes completely."

He closes his eyes, remembering everything. "After he left the room that night, I heard my mom screaming and shouting at him. I could hear her crying hysterically. So she took me to the hospital right after that. The doctors didn't care what happened. And they don't care now. So that's why I don't like going to the doctors."



Opal stares back at me with flushed cheeks, she chews on her fingernails, thinking about something. "You okay Opal?"

"Oh.. yeah I'm okay." She grins reassuringly.

Pushing herself off the couch she grabs the ice pack from my side, putting it back in the freezer. Pulling a bag of frozen veggies out, gently placing it on my rib cage. She curls her legs beneath her, sitting down beside me, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. She intertwines her fingers with mine, sitting silently.

"You're pretty quiet. Got something on your mind?"

She stays silent, ignoring my question. "Babe."

Continuing to chew on her finger, she stares into space. "Huh?"

I wiggle her fingers, trying to bring her attention towards me. "You sure you're okay?"

Her green eyes squint slightly, staring into mine. "Yeah..." She trails off.



I huff, "What's going on?"

Goosebumps coat her pale skin as a tear slides down her cheek. "I'm sorry." She breathes out, turning her crying face away from me.

"Why are you sorry?"

"For crying." She sniffles, keeping her face hidden.

"Hey, there's no reason to apologize for crying Opal. It's perfectly natural to be emotional. What's wrong? Talk to me." I lay my hand on her knee, squeezing it.

She turns around, sitting crisscross beside me. "I can't stop thinking about Mark." Her finger tips graze the back of my hand, sending a chill down my back. "I was so scared when I saw him. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I thought I was going to pass out."

I grasp her hand, pulling it closer to me. Her lower lip quivers. "He looked at me and had the most sinful smile on his face when he did. I just didn't know what to do."

Grabbing her arm I pull her into my chest, not caring how much it hurts. She's more important than the pain I'm in. "I can't decide wether it was good that I wasn't there or not. There's a good chance I would have killed him."

She cry's silently into my chest. My heart actually hurts. It hurts worse than the bruises and wounds on my body. It really hurts my heart to see her like this. And there's nothing I can do to fix any of it. I wish I could take all her aches and pains and traumas that she's gone through. She doesn't deserve this.

Opal Clemens is one of the most beautiful, precious human beings this world has. It kills me that she's gone through things she's never deserved. I feel like it's all my fault. I didn't push hard enough to keep her away from my demons.

Heya beauties! If you haven't heard/seen, the first chapter to The Curse Of Knox Whiley is officially posted!

Is there anything you want to find out or see happen next?

Lovely Fellow | 18+ ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin