Alaska, America, and Russia

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Russia is Alaska's dad, America adopted Alaska. Alaska sees America as his dad. Russia never really seemed like a dad to him, he was more like a captor.

Whenever the name "Russia" comes up in a conversation Alaska gets frantic. Sometimes he'll have a panic attack. Russia is his dad, he was domestically abused. It left him traumatized and with a fear of his father. He stopped speaking Russian and trained himself to use an American accent because of his fear of his father. When this happens Hawaii is usually the only to comfort him. If she's not there he'll call her. One time Russia stopped by the Statehouse for some unknown reason. Hawaii wasn't there his phone was dead so he ran to New York. York had never seen Alaska scared, he didn't know what to do to help him. Alaska was shaking, hyperventilate, and crying while curled up against New York. America, France, DC, Florida, Massachusetts, and Texas got Russia to leave.

To say that Russia abused Alaska is an understatement. He practically tortured the poor state. Alaska was scared of America when America got him. Sure America wanted him for the oil but when he saw what Russia would do to him he tried to save Alaska. He succeeded. It took a few years for Alaska to warm up to him but he did.  America could give Alaska to Canada, when he's asks why he doesn't he answers with 'the oil industry'. But really it's because Alaska has begged him not to. As much as Alaska doesn't want to admit he has grown rather attach to America.

It took years for Alaska to warm up to America but after he was comfortable with him that's when America introduced him to the other states. When he met Hawaii he immediately became friends with her.

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