Northeastern brothers incorrect quotes

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Massachusetts: The great thing about apologies is, you don't have to mean them. You know, I lie and tell New York I'm sorry all the time.

New York: ['what the fuck look]

Massachusetts: Sorry. See!


Britain: You should be nicer to your brother.

New York: Why would I do that?


Connecticut: Have a nice day.

Massachusetts: Don't tell me want to do!


New York: Where are you going?

Massachusetts: To go get coffee or commit a felony. I'll decide in the car.


Massachusetts: [gets shot]

Connecticut: [crying] Brother nooo!

Massachusetts: Call me an ambulance.

Connecticut: You're an ambulance


Connecticut: I ate too many magic bean. I can feel the mAGIC coursing through my veins.

Massachusetts: Connecticut?

New York: Just ignore him, Mass, he ate seven boxes of tic tacs.


Connecticut: Psst, Mass.

Massachusetts: What?

Connecticut: I made a friendship bracelet.

Massachusetts: You know, I'm not really a jewelry person.

Connecticut: Oh. Well you don't have to wear it.

Massachusetts: No! I'm gonna wear it forever! Back off!


Some person: You know him?

Massachusetts: I've never met this man in my life.

New York: He's my brother!


New York: You know what sucks?

Connecticut: ...A vacuum.

New York: You know what sucks in a metaphorical way?

Connecticut: A black hole.

New York:

New York: You know what isn't cool?

Connecticut: Lava.

New York: I swear there's a special place reserved for you in hell!


Massachusetts: Don't worry, I've got a few knifes up my sleeve.

New York: Mass, I think you mean cards.

Massachusetts, pulling three knives out of his sleeve: I do not.


Massachusetts: I've never bragged.

Connecticut: You once called your face; proof of God's existence.


Connecticut: Did you stab him?

Massachusetts: You weren't there, you didn't hear what he said to me.

Connecticut: What did he say?

Massachusetts: 'What are you gonna do? Stab me?'

New York: That's fair.


New York: I don't think you should drink more coffee.

Massachusetts: Coffee cures depression.

Connecticut: No coffee equals depresso.

Massachusetts and Connecticut: [clink their Dunkin Donuts cups]


Massachusetts: I hope you die, New York!

New York: Yeah, well, I hope you step on a Lego!

Connecticut: [whispering] Oof.

Massachusetts: YOU TAKE THAT BACK!

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