23 - Guernica

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Tuesday, June 8

Makena woke up after sunrise.

Weird to be sleeping in. A day without walking! Well, one day of rest after about a hundred miles so far seems like a good idea.

She yawned, stretched a little, and gave thanks for her health.

I'm also grateful for friends, old and new.

She thought briefly of Luis, frowned, then shook her head.

He is gone from my life. I can't banish him from my memory but I can choose to focus on other things. She got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Mirai and Mikel both sat there, drinking coffee.

"Buenos dias," said Mirai. "Did you rest well?"

"I had a wonderful sleep. I think I dreamt of eating your delicious food all night."

Mikel and Mirai both laughed.

Mirai said, "You have made a fan of our son. With your Spanish and understanding of the midfielder position in soccer, he seemed to have thought you were a dream as well."

Makena laughed, "He is cute. Someday he will find the right woman, and I will find the right man."

"You will, I am sure," said Mirai. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Por favor. I am becoming addicted to Spain's cafe con leche."

"We have it here for you. The whipped milk is hot, and the white bowl has sugar if you like."

"Perfect." Makena got a cup, filled it to near overflowing, and sat down. She told them a little about her family in Seattle, and more about her two friends.

Mikel said, "We use Microsoft products for our business, but have not bought any Boeing planes yet."

Makena laughed. "My mother was part of a huge team in developing Word software."

"And you are a teacher?" Mirai asked.

"Yes, I have been teaching special education, the children who have a physical or learning disability."

"How do you like that work?" asked Mikel.

"I enjoy the kids and it's important to help them. But my majors were Spanish and physical education. So I hope to switch jobs so I can teach the Spanish language, and also wish to become a head coach in soccer."

"That sounds worthwhile. I hope your dreams will come true," said Mirai.

"Gracias." The others began to arrive and all ate a light breakfast. Then they got ready for their drive.


Jose Antonio was in school, so the eight others fit into the van. They drove north, with different Lope Garcia family members pointing out sights, then Mikel explained about his mother. "She is eighty-five. I was the youngest of seven children. She moved to Logrono after meeting my father, then she returned to her place of birth after her husband passed away. I have a sister in Guernica who looks after her now. We'll eat an early lunch with them both, then I hope my mother will tell you the story of her town."

As they entered Guernica, Makena was struck by how new most of the buildings were in the city.

There are hardly any ancient structures. It's so different from all the other towns in Spain we have seen.

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