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Thursday, May 27

When she got back from her run, Makena took a shower, then dried and brushed her silky long blonde hair. She gazed in the mirror at the striking contrast between her bronzed skin and platinum locks.

I'm lucky to have those features but will never take my looks for granted. Mom always reminded me that it's what's inside that matters. I agree.

As she walked into the bedroom, she noticed the drawer on Luis' side of the bed was open. He'd been in a hurry to finish packing. Makena remembered he was frantic, way behind schedule, and stressed. He had told her how important it was for him to be at the opening session on time. She walked over and pushed the drawer back in, then saw his cell phone on the floor.

He never forgets his phone. Luis must be upset. It would not have happened if he wasn't late. He's in a no-service area of the Cascade Mountain Range, so it won't matter this time.

Makena picked up the phone.

I'll just check to make sure he doesn't have urgent messages. There is a desk phone where he's staying if I need to reach him.

She smiled.

He is so not Mr. Technology. I had to set up all his passwords and everything.

She giggled.

Must have dropped it by accident. He's lucky that I keep him organized.


Earlier, Makena had finished her last day of teaching in Seattle and felt like she was floating on a cloud. She had wonderful parents, great friends, and a fiance she loved and would marry in just two months. Nothing could be better. She started to daydream.

Well, maybe I could tweak a couple of things. It's frustrating that I can't earn tenure rights because I'm teaching special education. I love the kids, but my certifications are in Spanish and Physical Education. I want to teach what I studied. It would make more sense for my job to be in what I'm both trained for and passionate about.

She frowned slightly as she opened the door and slid into her silver Prius sedan.

Another sore spot crossed her mind as she turned and left the school parking lot.

Our head soccer coach isn't much older than I am, so she's set for years. I'm her assistant but I'm more qualified. If it were my team, I could...

She knew what she'd change and felt excited, then frowned again.

Won't ever happen if I stay at my school.

And then there was Spain.

I'd love to be going. After the 24-mile hike that the twins and I did last weekend, I'd be ready. The photos look fascinating. All the places to visit that the twins showed me pics of...wow.

She felt some regret but dismissed the idea.

I'd love it, but there's so much to decide and handle before our wedding at the end of July.

As she turned onto the freeway, joy replaced envy.

Yeah, so much to do before the wedding, and I can't wait to do it! As amazing as Spain would be, it couldn't compare to a lifetime with Luis Martino.

Her fiance, Luis, was a fitness expert at the local gym. He had left early that day for a four-night retreat with other personal trainers from around greater Seattle. They would share ideas, build networks, and increase the success of their businesses together.

Love at Spain's Iron CrossWhere stories live. Discover now