4 - Makena

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Saturday, May 13, 2010 - Seattle

"You're a traitor!" said Delta. Makena Nielsen laughed because she had just told her two best friends she could not join them in Spain this summer. She showed them her engagement ring. Delta and her sister Bayou scowled in mock disgust as they would when faced with a real turncoat, but Makena knew her friends were excited for her, despite the accusation. It was all for show.

They sat at a table, sipping beers. There was a lot of noise with all the other customers nearby, but Makena heard little of it. She didn't need the pizza, the beverages, or much of anything else. She was floating, happier than she had been in years. But it felt wonderful to share it all with her soul sisters.

Bayou added, "Can't believe you'd dump us for that hunk, just 'cuz he gave you a diamond!"

Makena smiled, thinking about her new fiance, Luis. It was just a year ago that they had met. She was working out at the gym. She had always gotten lots of attention from men, so appreciated that he was just friendly instead. Her folks had given her the membership and a series of personal workout sessions with a trainer. After checking out the place, she'd chosen Luis. He stayed low-key around her, doing an effective job of improving her workout routine. Makena started to trust him, and for the first time in her life, she initiated the change in status. It seemed easy, to take the lead in their physical relationship. He was grateful. She encouraged intimacy. Then she had offered her place, and he moved in months ago. And now he'd asked her to marry him.

Delta asked, "Who will be your maid of honor?" Bayou looked anxious.

"You both will. I could never choose between my best friends. The two of you will stand up there with me and share duties equally!" It wasn't like they could just rotate in for each other. The fraternal twins, so different in height, hair, and eye color, seemed almost unrelated physically, but similar in so many other ways.

"So the wedding is planned for Saturday, July 31?" asked Bayou.

"Yes," said Makena. "I picked the date. I can't wait to be husband and wife. But that doesn't give me and my folks much time to plan it all, so that's what I'll be doing this summer while you two are in Europe."

"Okay," said Delta. "Then save the weekend before, the 23rd to 25th, for the long bachelorette party. Has to be that early. You'll need the full week after it to recover before your wedding!" She smiled wickedly. Her sister nodded in accord. They would be partners in crime. The girls-only affair would not be G-rated.

Makena laughed. Bayou and Delta LeBlanc grew up as her neighbors on Mercer Island in Seattle. Their parents' Louisiana roots translated into a thriving Cajun-style restaurant that their father owned and managed, while their mother was a successful M.D.

She looked at the pair. "As long as I've known you, I've never gotten over feeling amazed that you two are twins." The sisters laughed. Delta was tall and wiry, 5' 8", with long, straight, dark-brown hair and eyes. Bayou was a few minutes older, but four inches shorter, and stronger, with curly auburn hair and green eyes.

Delta said, "You're like another twin." Makena smiled. "Soccer was our bond, all the way back as kids, then in high school and college." The three had played soccer together, each starting all four years on the state-ranked Island High School team. Bayou was a fullback and strong defender. Delta played striker, scoring often. But Makena was the star.

Bayou added, "Remember all the time we used to have on their travel team as kids, telling and creating stories and memories?" Makena nodded. And it was great having your father as our coach when we were little. He helped us develop ball-control skills at an early age."

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