11 - Merida

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Thursday, May 27

Jordan followed the Via de la Plata for the ten miles from Torremejia to Merida. There wasn't much of interest on the route, as most of the path was along or near a road, so his mind wandered.

I still can't believe I didn't realize I'd forgotten my wedding ring until two days after leaving Sevilla. Glad the internet cafe was open and I could look up the contact info for the albergue. What a relief that Carlos had found the ring. I'll get it eventually. Also glad that he gave Greta my email. It was good to hear she recovered from our overindulgent evening together. That was such a strange finish to a night of passion, but I've made peace with it. I'm sure she will have no problem finding someone else. Every man either already living in Sevilla or just arriving there would want to be with her.

He thought about Greta in the pink bikini and then remembered seeing all of her naked in bed. He stirred, thinking how hot she was.

No, she won't have any trouble finding lovers. And to have a woman that gorgeous desire me too. Wow. It certainly got me feeling better. Bummer we didn't finish as planned, but not all bad.

Jordan had at first felt horrible about forgetting his wedding ring at the albergue. He suffered guilt as if he had been disrespectful to Oriana. But he had not taken it off before seeing Greta because he was disloyal. Jordan had that conversation with her before she died. Oriana insisted that he live in the present and that he find someone else. For him, removing the band of gold had been an action that propelled him forward, as his now-deceased wife wanted him to do. That he left it under his pillow was about the way his mind worked. It wasn't the first time Jordan had neglected to remember something, nor would it be the last. He reminded himself: "Absent-mindedness is a sign of genius."

Oriana would laugh when he quoted that line. "Jordan, you need to use that rationalization too often!"


Back in Sevilla, Greta was awake and getting ready to go to yoga that morning. She fingered Jordan's wedding ring. Carlos had not found any new male distractions for her yet, and she avoided the men who lived in the city, not wanting to encourage thoughts of any permanent relationships. Her mind kept returning to Jordan Everest. She began musing aloud. "He's the one who got away. I miss him. Or do I just want him? Is there a difference?"

They had communicated by email. Because of Jordan's uncertain lodgings for the next week, they had a tentative plan for Gret to send his wedding band to him in Salamanca. But she would still be stuck in Sevilla until July. She'd prefer to send herself along with the ring and make love with him in a hotel room for a week. Or a month! She groaned aloud. "Oh, my Nepali dream, I want you."


Just before entering the town of Merida, Jordan walked across their Roman bridge which dated back to 25 BCE, when Merida was the capital of this region of Rome's empire.

So much history.

He finished walking just before 10 a.m. and stopped at an open bar for cafe con leche. The milk wasn't enough; Jordan had to add sugar! He smiled.

My sweet tooth persists.

Jordan took out his notebook, but instead of book ideas, he started thinking about women and beauty. The vision of Greta remained.

I can still see her gorgeous face and firm body. We were both so ready. Our sex would have been fantastic. I lost that opportunity. Well, we both missed out. But I loved my time with her, whether sightseeing, talking, sunbathing, sharing meals, or kissing each other. Greta helped me heal. Yet I still want more. I won't end up with a city girl whose priorities are owning things. I'm not much of a materialist. She will have to love nature. When I die I won't be thinking about how many women I've made love to. It's not about quantity. I'll think about the ones I was in love with. Hope it can be plural. I want to find another one.

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