52 - Pilgrims Service

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Pilgrims Service

Tuesday, July 6

They had set the alarm for 5:30, but Makena was awake before then, gazing at Jordan's serene face just visible in the starlight that filtered through the window. She didn't feel calm.

So handsome. Long eyelashes. He looks so vulnerable while asleep. Those lips, slightly open, inviting. Strong, fit. I am definitely still heterosexual!

She smiled to herself.

A trustworthy man, at least so far. But can I believe it? I'm starting to do so. We shared the same bed and he kept his hands to himself.

The alarm rang, waking him up.

"Good morning," she said.

"Mmmm. Yes," he said. "How did you sleep?"

"Well, thank you. Better than I thought I would. I'm glad we stayed and took this room."

He smiled. Jordan thought so too, though it hadn't been easy to rest next to such a beautiful woman. He had dreamed about doing more than just sleep with her.

They got ready quickly. Makena felt excited that they would arrive in Santiago de Compostela today. Having paid their bill the night before, they got going so early that they were barely able to see the road.

She and Jordan flew. Their destination beckoned and they couldn't wait to get there. They kept on their warmups for an hour, then paused briefly to shed them. They sipped water as the sun rose.

Their footstrikes and the tap of Jordan's two bastones provided a backbeat that got them singing. Then they talked about what they would do when they arrived. They reached Vilamaior by nine, making excellent time. They wolfed down their breakfast and did a quick assessment. Toes, feet, knees, sun protection, and hydration were all good.

They sped over one last hill and finished their final five miles, joining many others walking into the suburbs of this city of almost 100,000 people. Just before 10:30, they were near the Cathedral and at the Pilgrims Office.

Makena looked at Jordan and grinned. "We did it!" She leaned in and gave him a hug.

He beamed. It was amazing to walk so far and finally reach Santiago. He felt so good holding her. Jordan knew he was losing his heart to this woman, but had to stay chill. Couldn't push it. He squeezed her to him but kept his hands lightly on her.

She let go but smiled. He could see how much it meant to her also.

The doors opened. There were several in line ahead of them at the office, but this early the delay wasn't long. Michelangelo was there. As they waited their turn to be interviewed, he strummed his ukulele. Jordan looked at him and made a request. Makena and he joined in as they sang "La Bamba". Others applauded.

When it was her turn, Makena sat by the official. "Why did you walk the Camino?" he asked in Spanish, smiling to encourage Makena. She had shown her stamped pilgrim's passport, proof of walking across Spain.

"I wanted to learn about the history and culture of Espana. I've gained so much knowledge and appreciation for your country," she said. "I also walked to challenge myself with the long pilgrimage, to learn about others on the journey, and discover my other needs. I am not Catholic, but for me, it became an important spiritual journey. My visit to the Iron Cross helped me lighten my soul."

It helped rid me of my pain from Luis.

"Reaching Santiago lifts my spirits. I feel elated from completing my pilgrimage. Oh, I almost forgot, and to be here when Spain wins the World Cup!"

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