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Saturday, June 12

Jordan had more free time since there were no Spanish language classes on the weekend. Yesterday, he had tried his first jog, just for fifteen minutes. Today he'd run for 20 minutes and then went to the gym. He started slowly, doing several stretching and strengthening exercises. Grace was also there, going through a series of movements that kept her limber for dancing. Her leotard displayed her more-than-just-attractive figure but she kept to herself. Some men tried to strike up a conversation, but she dissuaded them. She focused on her workout. Jordan said 'hi' and then left her alone. They'd see each other with the group at dinner.

Stay cool. She's a friend. Don't be like all the other guys around her. Give her space.


Jordan returned to his albergue, sent an email to his Dad, then met Raul for lunch. "Have you had any word from Danele?"

"Yes. Daily by email. It seems easy to communicate with her. She works at the albergue in Caceres until the end of July. I am now in a bit of a hurry to finish the Camino so I can return to see her."

Jordan smiled. "You were not in so much of a rush to leave Caceres, as I recall."

"You are correct, my friend. It is a surprise that I would choose her company over yours." They laughed.

"So then you will return to Cordoba afterward?"

"Yes, but we have a tentative plan for weekends then. I will drive and pick her up. At first, she and I will take day trips around Caceres. Then, if things progress, I have a female cousin in Cordoba with an extra room, so Danele could stay there for free. And if all goes well, perhaps I may be able to take her to visit my parents."

"Good idea to arrange things so she feels safe and comfortable at first. So all that is in August?"

"No, that would be while she still works at the albergue in July. In August she returns home, but her university doesn't start until September, and neither does my job at school. I have some money saved, and I'm free this summer. So maybe, again assuming we are still together, I might be able to visit her Pais Vasco area. It is premature to talk about who might move where, but I like thinking of such possibilities, and I am flexible. I admit I've never felt like this before."

"Raul, that is wonderful. There are no guarantees, but I like that you are betting on the chance of success. Buena suerte, mi amigo. I like Danele and I got a good feeling watching how well you fit together."

"Gracias, Jordan. And if we continue, I will let you know. I am glad to have shared the beginning with you, my friend, no matter how things turn out."

"Yes. It is like the World Cup. Not everyone wins, but all you can do is try your best."

Raul smiled. "Si."


That afternoon, Jordan spent some time in the library at the University of Salamanca, looking over maps and reading a little history. He got several ideas and wrote them down. He wasn't sure of his new book plot but had some promising leads.

My two protagonists will be a pair like Raul and Danele.

Jordan's habit was to brainstorm without filtering his ideas. He had learned that if he judged each as they came up, he found something wrong with everything! But if he made a note of all his thoughts, he could later prioritize and choose the best options from them, even if none was ever perfect.

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