64 - Jordan's Journal

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Jordan's Journal

Wednesday, July 14

Seeing Mateo again was wonderful. I was gonna call him anyway when we got back to Santiago, but the car accident speeded that up. He arrived early with his wife, Matilda, also an M.D, having talked with Makena before I woke up. They examined me and pronounced me fit to leave the hospital. No headaches, all vitals good. Makena asked if I was allowed mental stimulation, and Mateo said yes. Matilda then smiled at us both.

We then spent the rest of the day at his family's estate, resting in their cottage. Makena had a surprise for me. "Since you're better, and I am hopelessly in love with you, Jordan Everest, I want to speed your recovery by giving you something to look forward to. I thought it was time for a different Camino conversation, now that I have learned the value of being completely open with you." She handed me a written document, with suggestions for what she might do to physically satisfy me, while also pleasing herself. I read it, no doubt with eyes becoming wider while my jaw dropped. I started to laugh.

Makena looked at me, her smile growing. She batted her eyelashes playfully.

I said, "It appears that you are more open than I would have anticipated at this point. I admit I often felt turned on when I woke up just sleeping near you. But this is getting my heart racing."

"That, dear Jordan, is the idea. I talked with Mateo and his wife, then broached the subject of sex in a roundabout way. She was laughing aloud but understood. It will be a week before we can act upon this. I offer you co-authorship of this nonfiction work, with permission to revise and edit during the time that we wait."

He laughed. "This could affect my sleep."

"Good," she chuckled. "But it's my way of proving to you how much I feel for you, and that I am ready to show you all of my love in every way."

"Every way?"

"Consenting adults. So we have a week to review what we are open to, and what we each prefer."

"Ah," he said. "A lesson plan. Or rather, a syllabus, with units and lessons outlined."

Makena nodded. "That's the idea, lover. I want to please you and look forward to receiving, also. I've never done anything like this, and yet with you, I'm ready to share everything."

Thursday-Monday, July 15-19

Recovery was slower than I would have liked, but there were positives. We had several dinners with Mateo, Matilda, and his parents. I'd met them before, another pair of MDs, and got a laugh when I asked if it were a requirement to be a medical doctor while on their property, or if Makena and I were breaking precedent.

I told Mateo how much I appreciated all that he and his family had done for us, remembering that his name meant 'gift from God'. Matilda said he was her gift and we needed to bring them no others, that Makena and I were each other's gifts. We agreed. In love. Hard to believe. Yes, it is the greatest gift.

During the week, I worked some on my novel and talked with my sister and Dad. I wrote in my journal, and read a little. Makena made some calls, then sent email updates, but mostly we just hung out together.

On Friday, the principal at her high school offered Makena the job. I was listening in, so I know it took her almost a full second before she said yes! I've not seen a smile much bigger than hers that day. I was so excited for her as if the opportunity was designed with Makena in mind.

Mateo let me begin with short walks, then longer ones. Makena and I had more conversations about little things in each other's past, getting to know one another better. And we made daily revisions of the proposed sex plan. It was both disturbing and exciting. Makena enjoyed tantalizing me with her verbal foreplay. We laughed.

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